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26 thoughts on “THEY JUST RAGE QUIT VS…TRICKSTER?! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. The amount of 'camping hook' comments are staggering. True literally went away to get knives and checked his surroundings. He saw the survivors trying to unhook. What is he supposed to do? Go the opposite direction ignoring survivors he's seen? Survivors could, I dunno, wait until the Killer isn't on a high point and capable of seeing hook before unhooking. Or complete a gen to distract him.

  2. So many ppl complaining about camping 😀
    I've had to 3 gen and proxy camp alot recently. Survivors always bitch about it and don't realize they could just NOT 3 gen themselves, or do gens while I'm still close to hook.
    But nah, rush at the hook with 3 people, be surprised when I down 2 thanks to STBFL, then bitch at the end.

  3. I honestly think Trickster needs a rework. Too many negatives against his positives to his kit. The only legit thing he has is probably one of the best basement defense but of course you aren't going to be near a basement every game. His add-ons and perks are questionable/weak and most don't even buff him or help him in anyway. Very poor design of a character. I'm actually impressed and baffled how people dc against Trickster. And no True isn't "camping hooks" the survivors for whatever reason rush hook saves when True barely leaves and expect him not to double back and chase. You don't have to immediately go for the save if you can still hear heartbeats. Do a gen or an objective to get killers to leave at least.

  4. tru3, i think this distinction is important to make:

    some people truly dont base the fun off how likely they are to escape. i personally have 3000+ hours and playing against trickster is boring as fuck because, yes, even though you can simply gen rush and there isnt much he can do to counter that, his actual chase interaction encourages you to just run in zig zags and leave all windows and pallets. it's not interactive and it never feels like the trickster is outplaying you. yes, you can say "just run away early" but shift W isnt fun for either side.

    tldr trickster is weak and extremely beatable, but for most people with substantial hours, the fun is in the chase interaction, not rushing gens for 3 minutes and leaving. getting machine gunned down by a killer isn't fun, especially when most tricksters just hook trade over and over all game

  5. I agree with true tbh. When i play survivor I dont mind going against Trickster all that much, almost every map in the game has areas where you can have fun engaging loops with him. Trapper really is the killer im like… shit this killer. Mostly because i dont run dead hard every game religiously which is the super reliable counter to trapper.

  6. It's hard to say. 6/10 games survivors usual DC against me using Trickster. It's pretty common. Thanks to dowsey. Lol. Tru should really communicate with him about it. My opinion for Trickster is quite different.

  7. trickster is boring to go against, the knives and the amount he carries makes him incredibly tedious. I honestly don't even blame these survivors for using this game to go make food or whatever

  8. When you buy back the money you put in after getting 100x you aren’t losing. Once you’ve got the return on your investment(amount initially put it) You are now playing with free money.

  9. Maybe they just didn't want to suffer further shame from getting dominated by a Trickster? lol That's the only reason I could think of. It's hard for me to believe they actually think Trickster is a strong killer or op in any stretch of the definition.


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