Think 10% Break Will Do Something? Watch! Dead by Daylight

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One of the upcoming “killer buffs” is 10% faster breaking of pallets. Well want to see how little that will do? Here is 140% faster breaking haha!

#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #funny #wraith #nochange

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32 thoughts on “Think 10% Break Will Do Something? Watch! Dead by Daylight”

  1. "Small buff but a step in a right direction". Lets wait another 6 years when they give survivors unbreakable at base and make killers 0.1 faster to compensate for it

  2. I know what would happen if the devs went crazy and gave giant buffs for a day. Survivors would purposefully throw games to skew the stats. In reality they could probably still win, as seen in this game

  3. I personally think those 10% will be added for a smoother Gameplay and not actually for balancing changes.
    Just like the 10% less hit cooldown. Just smoother gameplay, a little bit more time effiency, but mostly just smoother gameplay.
    Yknow, making the game feel a bit more fast-paced.

  4. Well if survivors didn’t make pallets after this update then that would be taking away the survivors only defense right? What would be the point of dropping a pallet if you wouldn’t make it to the next pallet? I think what this update does do though is it forces survivors to get to the next pallet as fast as possible and or focus more on picking the best/closest pallet they can.

  5. Using wraith with his pallet speed add-ons doesn't prove that the upcoming pallet breaking speed buff is useless. Wraith has to be cloaked when he breaks pallets that fast, meaning he has to take time to uncloak before he can hit the survivor. If a different killer broke pallets that fast, or if wraith broke pallets that fast without being cloaked, they would almost always be able to catch up before the survivor could get to another pallet or loop.

  6. Their making the pallets because of you having to uncloak, make any other killer break pallets 10x faster and show us they still make pallets / windows dont do it on a killer with a self slow down mechanic.

  7. Killer main, and I generally agree with Tru3, but I can't figure out why he seems to believe the break buff is meant to allow the killer to get a hit after breaking a pallet and before getting to the next one. Just based on the buff number It was clear that was not the intent. That said will these killer buffs make matches more even in high level gameplay? Not a chance.

  8. I think dbd needs to implement something like evil dead and Friday , the killer gets stronger as the match goes on and as gens fly get like a 1.5 percent speed boost per gen or just increased base stats as the game goes on , make the killer actually scary ..the idea is there

  9. Of course 10% is not going to be noticeable when you have a huge bonus with add-ons. Got to give devs some credit here, they made a start. Love the vids man. Keep it up.

  10. Its actually crazy how they added a base kit BT when ur off hook, and stacks with other similar effect perks, the 80 sec endurance, who ever came up with that idea is a real psychopath survivor main.

  11. The buff on the pallet break isn't supposed to make it so that killer can catch up every time in chase, the idea is that you can punish survivors more efficiently when they're in a dead zone. I don't know what you're trying to prove but using the game and 100% percent is a bad way to prove your point.

  12. The quickest way to break pallets with wraith is to combine the purple shadow dance with the blink add-on that lets u cloak 60% faster, saves you more time overall than 100% break speed

  13. I see Tru3 is still missing the point, even though the devs specifically explained the theory behind the buffs. They aren't suposed to make chases faster by preventing survivors from reaching another pallet. They are supposed to weaken the shift w meta. They want to make the game specifically about the loops, not about just running in one direction for 20+ seconds.


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