THIS GAME IS FINE AT TOP % MMR IN EU…NOT! – Dead by Daylight!!

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25 thoughts on “THIS GAME IS FINE AT TOP % MMR IN EU…NOT! – Dead by Daylight!!”

  1. There were 0 pressure on survivors as 2/3 of this match he chased the only 1 of them. Also, on speedrun site top-10 survivor wins are faster than 4:20 wich is more crazy

  2. Survivor mains: “tHeRe Is ToO mAnY sPiRiTs AnD nUrSeS!!! THeY’Re tOo Op!!”
    (Killer plays any other killer)
    Survivor mains: “GG EZ baby killer”

    This game is such a joke balance wise

  3. I feel like the devs should just split up the survivor playlist into solo queue and SWF. Killers should also be able to choose whether they vs a solo or a SWF. A killer that chooses the SWF option should get double bloodpoints, and the black pip position should be replaced by a +1 pip

  4. It's so blatant and trolls and haters just pretend they don't understand. It's to the point where you sit in queue for longer than the game itself even lasts from start to finish. The match needs to be longer.

  5. Don't know about it not being fine.. Could have played that a little better to be fair.
    For the first three or so minutes, all you did was chase one person. You hooked her, and when she got unhooked went immediately back to her, even though you had given the other survivors over a minute of gen time. That and you didn't even leave one side of the map really, the side where there were no gens.
    I mean, I doubt you would have gotten everyone, but definitely at least one.

  6. i’m not doubting this is a decently high mmr, because they’re not potatoes, but you deserved to lose true. you made many many mistakes that game. If you play more games then you will be better at huntress and understand how to hit her hatchets. more than half of your shots were dead. don’t blame the mmr for a shit game. Mmr WILL make games unfair and absolutely boring but this game was not the case. you have no excuse other than you need to try harder and practice

  7. I’ve never seen you play like this man, I learn a lot from you and it’s like you forgot to practice what you preach. Knowing you, you could’ve won this game you just weren’t playing at your best this game


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