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Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
Ryuga just rolled in his coffin.
Can someone tell me the story behind this legion cosmetic?
I heard it was fanmade?
Wonder who's gonna be the Resident Evil villain and survivor in Dead By Daylight.
It’s just sad how bad this game has gotten. Killers with no perks or add ons and it’s still op. Love your videos but god dam this game is trash it’s actually pretty funny lol
Small maps: good design Big maps: bad design
why they killin themselves man life's beautiful
Third or sum
6th *
Imagine designing a game where your points are determined on whether or not survivors are douchebags and rage quit or kill themselves on hook. It's so stupid that the killer gets punished for something they have no control over.
Does anyone want to tell Tru3 that he actually has to USE Legion's three teachables to get adept?
Jack Baker will be the next killer in this game
what challenge he doing adept?
I'll never understand why survivors crawl to corners to die in the first place.
Its not stupid you just gotta be more precise and better at your decision
Its a survivors game so yes ita going to be a stupid match its their job to make you fail at life
Even if a map was completely barren if it was really big the killer would still lose I really wish to developers with stop cuddling survivors and holding their hands.
In the end the developers have become nothing but survivors bitch and that's all there ever gonna be Running a good game over money is very pathetic reminds me a lot of overwatch.
Lol both survivor are in control. Killer can tunnel one survivor and not let them get any points.
And yet survivor mains claim theyre completely powerless vs killers
Slugged. Then gets mad cuz they crawled. Lol
You say the design is stupid but why would it reward you for slugging 3 people? 😂 That was risky and you knew the stakes were high. But that being said I never understand why survivors crawl away when there’s no hope. That’s time you can spend looking for a lobby. Why waste it being a boring slug. If you’re a survivor and you hide while slugged, just get out
I think that genspeed must depend on the size of a map and if they are playing in group or not, cause this are the main problems in high elo. What Do u think about it?
What was the point of not hooking one of the two at the end there? Chose to slug 3 but it seemed to have cost you…did they have a key?
At the start the odds were really in your favor considering this map is a good map to get as a legion- unfortunate to get robbed of the adept by the mechanics though I have to agree with why the mechanics exist. The devs have no choice but to have stuff that will punish slugging to some degree- too many people would otherwise be tempted to just slug all their matches otherwise.
I think you should just need ‘Ruthless’ to get adept. Ruthless means 1 pip. Survivors can escape and get no pips but still get adept. It is pretty stupid.
Good game! How comes you’re playing killer so much lately? X
Please move the cartoon head see we can see the player stats at the end of the game.