This Is Why Dbd Mobile Will Be Unplayable Now! | Dead By Daylight Mobile

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Official Dead By Daylight Mobile Content Creator ..

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Oppo k10 pro 8gb ram 128 storage

iPad Air 5th generation

India, Delhi

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Ruko Thora ..sabar Karo โ€ฆ ๐Ÿ™‚

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32 thoughts on “This Is Why Dbd Mobile Will Be Unplayable Now! | Dead By Daylight Mobile”

  1. Bro I so hate bug-abusing SWF's so much. They deserve the worse experience for that, like the killer camping, tunneling and slugging them. These are the kind of players that make the game suck, it's just toxic.

  2. This team is clear from their play that they have been exploiting this problem for a while and using it for their own interests. It is a mistake on the part of the company. They should fix this problem and then punish those who were exploiting this problem for their own interests and not let them go unpunished.

  3. This is still a trash. You don't know how to create it. Delete this game and never post in Google Play again. It's a waste of time. Every time I play this game, I always lose. I don't get it!!!!! Don't download it, because every time you play, you always lose!

  4. I think they have to time it right. This seems to work:
    Walk up to them as though you were going to pick up, but instead walk away, then quickly turn back and try. Catching them off guard seems to work. If it doesn't, keep trying to pick up. Eventually, either they miss the timing or it fails to work for them, and you pick them up.

    Once I get a lag-switcher hooked, I try to keep them there, using them as bate to catch the others. I won't feel bad about camping them out, and if they get saved, I won't feel bad about tunneling them.


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