This SKULL MERCHANT Combo Stopped Them From Looping | Dead By Daylight

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In this video I provide you with some Skull Merchant gameplay. I used an insane combo that can limit survivors looping options. I hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching (:

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14 thoughts on “This SKULL MERCHANT Combo Stopped Them From Looping | Dead By Daylight”

  1. I've also found endgame builds work wonders on her since she can just drone up both exit gates. Run Rancor with the Skull Merchants new perk which makes the survivor chased the longest the new obsession and you can start instakilling survivors really quickly. It's honestly better than even NOED on Skull Merchant.

  2. One combo I am loving using with her is Thana, Sloppy Butcher, Leverage and Corrupt Intervention + the add-on that increases the "active" drone stage and the other one wich increases "Lock On" Build-up

    You start with low pressure but its worth it. Don't wanna heal and do the gen inside the drone? Sure, but thana slows the progress down. You wanna heal? Sloppy butcher + Leverage will make sure you take a long time to do it, aand you will get exposed by the drones more often than ever

    It's not a perfect build but its nice

  3. The brown add-on does notify them just like dissolution.

    I wana say I don't think 3 gens are her strongest playstyle just her safest, most reliable, and most consistent, lowest risk lol.
    There are stronger ways to play they are just much more risk, much harder, and are only a bit better XD.

    I prefer running 5% hindered with 10% faster lock-on or the Aura reading plus the oblivious.
    The 5% hindered plus aura reading is nice too. But with the faster lock-on and the hindered its a lot easier to force them to get exposed.
    So I run that with game afoot and play with your food. You can mix in whatever you like for me hysteria, nemesis, best for last, bamboozle are all good.
    Then I prefer overcharge, but brine is also fine. I've just found overcharge to be super reliable especially when they like to tap your gen.
    Nowhere to hide is a nice comfort perk as well.
    But seriously try out Game Afoot, Nemesis, you tag them the obsession switches you get 4 seconds of aura reading on them plus they become oblivious for 60 seconds. If they stun you it makes them the obsession so you get the 5% haste for breaking the pallet is nice. Adding PWYF just makes it easier to close in for placing drones on top of them to force exposed and to close out the chase. Also bamboozle with superior anatomy is really reliable for nullifying vaults. Bamboozle helps with forcing exposed or free hits.

    If you are feeling really confident you can try one of my favorite Game Afoot, Play With Your Food, Nemesis, Save The Best For Last. You become very quick and very stealthy, as long as you force exposed you can constantly pressure survivors. You just need to put your drones nice and tight or right in the middle of major loops. If they give you free hits Best for last and the 5% hinder make the second hit really quick. If not they will get exposed. Since the 5% hinder plus the second faster lock-on is deceptively quick. They typically cant run from one side to the other without getting exposed. Plus hitting and running tagging them only to move on quickly you can swing back and pick them off when they try to heal or they think they are alone is super easy. The oblivious from nemesis makes this much easier but nurses or nowhere to hide work about as well. Ofc its safer to run Overcharge instead of Play or Best for Last, and nowhere to hide makes guarding gens and getting free hits easier. Game Afoot is only good when paired with the others so I think the safer build is something like Nowhere to hide, Overcharge, Bamboozle, Superior Anatomy. But against coordinated teams especially the altruistic ones you can often punish them quite hard for being altruistic. (Honorable mentions to hysteria, jolt, and franklins.) If you find yourself getting constant downs in your three gen jolt is just god tier. But if you want to avoid getting stuck in slow grinding 3 gen play there are other choices. Oh also you can swap out best for last for bamboozle to help seal out exposed.

    There is also a lot to be said for a late game build. Since her gate defense is best in class. If you want to do a slightly weaker 3 gen into gate defense you can mix and match a lot of things. So far I like Game Afoot plus Rancor and then any of your favorite late game perks. Remember me and No way out probably being your best choices. Trading one or the other out for Overcharge or Brine works well. If you don't want to go with Game Afoot and Rancor, you can slow roll with Devour Hope or Fire Up. Personally Though GA and Rancor Plus No way out and Remember Me are pretty solid. You just have to work very very quickly. Quite fun though.

  4. She is pretty strong but I really hope they can adress 3 gens as a mechanic in the game (without nerfing all killers in the process) because I know it is or can be oppressive to go against…. on the plus side its a strat that feels very chill even though it takes 30 min to finish a match sometimes.

  5. Nice video but sometimes the chase music is so loud/grating and conflicts a lot with the music in the background. Also just a personal thing but while I think Skull Merchant is super cool, her chase music sucks but maybe that's because I used to play IDV as well.


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