Top 10 Skins We NEED In Dead By Daylight

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Some of these choices are a little out there, but I STAND BY THEM ALL!

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41 thoughts on “Top 10 Skins We NEED In Dead By Daylight”

  1. I really want a reskin of Legion to be The Strangers. Also a legendary reskin of The Wraith to be The Crooked man with his umbrella would be amazing. And instead of hitting the bell he could wind up his zoetrope

  2. I've thought for a long time that it would be cool if they could add a Scarecrow skin for Freddy. His blade glove could easily be fear injectors like the Scarecrow from Arkham Asylum. The dream state would also make a lot of sense too, seeing as it could be induced by the fear toxin. Hell, Robert Englund even voiced Scarecrow in Injustice 2.

  3. Hey Spook and Jukes, Thankyou so very much for the video, infact I have to agree with you on the Top 2 Being Michael Myers, yes they need to add those skins in the game, Also Predator works way better in Dead by Daylight, I know that you and 99.99% of the Internet hate the Skull Merchant with a firey passion I understand. The Shrek and Donkey skins made me laugh so much, I hope that they do make those skins and Captain Jack Sparrow is an excellent idea for an Ace Skin. And now, here's who I would like to see in Dead by Daylight for, feel like to agree or disagree with me Spooks and feel free to let me know what you think, anyway for the Clown there's two skins I believe would be perfect for the game, they are Captain Spaulding from Rob Zombie's House of 1,000 corpses and Art the Clown from Terrifier. Have a great day today and thank you. 😊😊👍👍

  4. One collection I’d really want is all (original) Survivors have Legendary Skins of the Killers if they were the Survivors. Like for example, Dwight can be Evan, Claudette can be Philip, Meg can be Thompson Jr., Jake…idk who he could be but you get the gist, every Survivor gets a skin of what if the Killers were Survivors instead

  5. I would love a Legendary skin for Bill to turn him into Gordon Freeman from Half Life or even Chell from Portal. Also literally any skin from a Fromsoft game, I’d adore a Bloodborne skin for Blight where his blight serum is a blood vial.

  6. Here are some of my personal ideas.

    G1 Soundwave skin for the twins.

    Kharn the betrayer skin for Oni. The loud roar would be a shout of "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!!!" Alongside the Kharn skin for Oni, I'd want a Lotara sarrin skin for Yun Jin.

    A Halo flood skin for Dredge would be cool.

  7. This sound absolutely crazy, but hear me out:
    Legendary Cosmetic for Skull Merchant ——> turns her into Beatrice the Golden Witch from Umineko When they Cry
    ~instead of Drones: her Power Deploys one of the Seven Stakes of Purgatory, each one having different voice lines and disabling them causes them to stab a part of the Survs, allowing Beatrice to track them via a Chess board. Meanwhile the Mori changes so that one of the 7 Stakes Impales the Surv, then that Unique Stake is removed from Rotation.

  8. just how i like the idea of sauron from lord of the rings as a skin for knight i would really like to see a skin for him from dark souls or just in general some dark souls skins as a hole bundle would be nice

  9. Idk for me i think it be funny if they added the clown costume for myers when he wore it as a kid. Jumpscaring people with clown myers would be scary and funny.
    For freddy for me personally they should add that variant of freddy from freddy vs jason where hes confronting lori missing her wake up call. Hell why not scary Terry for freddy 😂

  10. Spooks I love you for this list! Just imagining Shrek running around the map has me on the floor 🤣 We definitely do need ghost sheet Myers and Robert Englund Freddy as skins. Another skin I'd love to see is Ash from the original Evil Dead.

  11. I want a Dark Souls Black Knight skin. Totally agree with sheet ghost Myers. Would love Predator, but I think reworking Skullmer to do it would be a lot of work so just add Predator as a separate killer. And I need a janitor outfit for Nicolas Cage and then hope I get elephant Clown or bunny Legion to play out my Willys Wonderland fantasy 😂😂😂

  12. Myt top 5 skins killers.
    Top1. Halloween kills and ends skins (Michael myers).
    Top2. The texas chainsaw massacare 2003 remake Charlie Hewitt Jr. Sheriff (Deathslinger)
    Top3. Predalien (Xenomorph)
    Top4. Resident evil 4 Chainsaw man (Canniball).
    Top5. Mama 2013 evil spirit. (Spirit)

  13. im so fucking down for john madden. you hit a far throw "BRETT FARVE! RRRAAHAHHH" EDIT: You know something just popped into my head, why the fuck dont we have vampires or werewolves yet? a dracula chapter is such low hanging fruit, and hes public domain. you could even grab one of the old actors, gary oldman is still alive.


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