Trapper Build Randomizer Clearly Makes Him OP – Dead by Daylight

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33 thoughts on “Trapper Build Randomizer Clearly Makes Him OP – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Still waiting for the day we get a built in, one click perk randomizer feature in DBD, with maybe a couple more features such as preventing 2+ exhaustion perks.

  2. Dumb Trapper buff idea, make him carry all traps by default because adjusting maps like the Swamp is too hard apparently, actual trap power similar to Freddies, show highlight on the floor and trapper frisbees them into place

  3. 1:02 Welcome to Insidious on Trapper, it triggers every, single, time you set a trap unless you are running a setting speed add-on.

    Yeah, they could make Trapper so much better by just making the grass better on maps.

    2:36 Hey now, I prefer Pallet Freddy over normal Freddy. It's just so much fun hitting people who camp a pallet not knowing it isn't real.

    9:28 I KNEW the double trap was going to get someone. No one ever really expects two traps near each other like that. Though honestly I was just expecting one person and not two.

    Thanks for the video Scott.

  4. Just because there is no grass on some maps doesn’t mean traps won’t work on loops that have tight corners and low visibility.

    Alongside that, a little bit of grass in the right place and with a little patience, you’d be surprised how many times you can catch a survivor with their pants down without even being nearby.

  5. Easy way they can make Trapper better, he just yeets his traps in a parabolic arc, if they hit a survivor, the survivor is trapped, if they don't, the ground is trapped where they land, trapper now has a Lullaby of him begging survivors not to bully him

  6. Where are the offerings to lengthen/shorten the height of the grass? Even the Entity has to have people come out and mow the lawn in these places occasionally right?

  7. Since you mentioned it, I attempted to make trapper better. Here my rework idea if you want something in that realm

    The Trapper starts the Trial with 5 Bear Traps equipped. Bear Traps can be replenished throughout the Trial Grounds when interacting with Lockers. A Maximum of 10 Bear Traps can be active in the Trial at one time. The Trapper sees the Auras of every Bear Trap at all times.
Press and hold the Power button to set and arm a Bear Trap from The Trapper's inventory in a valid location in front of him:

    * An armed Bear Trap will trap and immobilize any Survivor who steps into it.
 If the Survivor was healthy, they will be put into Deep Wounds. Upon Mending, Survivors suffer the Mangled and Hindered(3%) Status Effects until fully Healed.

    * When a Bear Trap is Triggered or Disarmed, the Trapper gains the Haste Status(15%) until he starts a chase with a Survivor or the Survivor is freed from the Bear Trap.

    * An armed Bear Trap will disarm if The Trapper steps into it. If he was carrying a Survivor, that Survivor will escape from his shoulder.

    * A trapped Survivor can attempt to free themselves from the Bear Trap or wait for another Survivor to rescue them out of it. Successfully freeing yourself from a Bear Trap puts Survivors into the Dying State. Survivors put into the Dying State are able to fully recover and pick themselves up once they have finished recovering. This only applies to Survivors who free themselves from Bear Traps and are put into the Dying State as a result.

    * When another Survivor enters within 8m of a Survivor caught in a Bear Trap, The Trapper sees Killer Instinct Detection on that survivor, which lingers for 5 seconds after they leave the Detection Range.


Press the Power button while standing near or on a disarmed Bear Trap to reset it, arming it in the process.

    Press the Interaction button on a trapped Survivor to lift them out of the Bear Trap and onto The Trapper's shoulder, immediately allowing you to carry them.

  8. I kinda miss the days when you could break his traps with sabotage and tool boxes. If they just let the Trapper get more traps (within a limit ofc) from lockers, then they can make Trapper do much better too

  9. i always thought they should add little workbench looking thingies to refresh traps around the map, like locker refills for huntress or trickster but unique looking like pig or freddy's stuff

  10. Trapper doesn’t work in the current version of DBD. (gets a 4K… lemme guess nto against swf’s right? There’s more casuals on survivors than it is killer

  11. You make him better by actually rewarding him for investing the time to setup traps. How you do that could be done in a number of ways but the first thing that should be done, is making it so you can't escape the beartrap at all without someone elses help.

    (Unless your the last survivor alive stuck in one and its been like 3 minutes and the killer is purposefully trying to hold the game hostage, in which case it just releases you automatically)

    Another way you could go about making the setup time worthwhile is by having the traps immediately rearm themselves once triggered / disarmed , that way he can create permanent dead zones he can force survivors to play around / spend less of the mid-late game rearming traps.

    Either one of these changes would take him from F tier to B tier likely, both might make him A+ tier. Trapper is a VERY easy killer to make viable, its just the developers are so blatantly survivor sided they won't do anything that might hurt their preferred audiences gameplay experience, at least not intentionally.

    The only real time survivor has ever been on the shit end of the stick is when the developers make changes they either didn't think would effect the survivor side significantly or give killers "small buffs" that when combined with others turned out to be much more annoying to face then expected, ala 3 gen kick meta.

  12. To clear the confusion at the beginning:
    They did not make it impossible to escape from a trap first try, they just made it more unlikely to happen.

    When asked why they didn’t just give Trapper a consistent power that is not entirely up to RNG on whether it works or not they answered, and I kid you not, they deliberately chose to keep RNG as a determining factor on the traps usefulness because "it would feel terrible to know how long someone is stuck in a trap".

    And they wonder why Trapper is the weakest Killer in the game by far 🤦‍♂️

  13. Here's my hat in the ring of "ways to improve trapper"
    -Trapper can "reload" a trap from a locker, and it consumes the oldest trap on the map in return (so there aren't just 50 million traps everywhere)
    -Trapper gets a special mori if he has a trap on hand and the survivor is downed while on death hook, consuming the trap permanently to get that quick n' easy one. Probably something like he puts the trap upside down on their head and then stomps it triggering it to crush their head and mori them.
    -Trapper should just simply start with all his traps at the very least if they don't want to do the locker reloads. Trapper bag can work the same way it does now, but give it some extra traps as compensation or something.


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