Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
As I keep shotgunning things I like at the channel, we get to see how wildly unsuccessful each topic is.
Dead by Daylight: in Summary:
Honestly a lot of what you are saying is why I don't play. I love watching this game. I have probably 2k hours + watched, but only 100-200 hours of actual play.
holy flucks, you got unblacklisted? your channel was gone for anything but direct searching it for a while.
Despite i do love the game, i had to stop playing because i was not having fun. When i started playing , i almost always play survivor and since i wasn't experienced, i was feeling the thrill and tension of being against an opponent that can't be beaten and despite being limited in both experience and knowledge, the game was fun for me. I mostly lose but every game at least felt fun. Truth is , however, that i was playing when the game was still very unbalanced and when not much of the metagame was defined.
Nowadays, is was not only not fun, but also very stressful for me and everyone i faced as a either killer or survivor plays like their life depends on it and the game has changed into a playstyle that i don't like. Like you said is about time optimization and both roles must now finish the game as soon as possible and the best example is that stealth for survivors is almost non-existant and you must have good skills. Most of the perks and also killer's powers are made or changed so that you're denied of a part of the gameplay and most of the responses i found are "just get good". I don't want to get good, i want to have fun, i don't care if i lose or not if i at least get to enjoy playing. But now is impossible and playing solo is even worse. For that reason ,it was not worth keep playing it for me.
Also , doesn't help that the devs are very slow with any changes and additions to the game and the game only has "ranked".
So glad you talked about how hooks are a fundamental problem. I've been saying this for years. They should just make it respawns in lockers or something
as someone whos playin the game since 2019 this game is not killer sided if u r new player u may find playin surv hard but as u get experience it gets easy u can escape 90% of u r matches on other hand playin killer is hard most of the time i personally find playin killer more fun surv gets boring quickly hold m1 run around circle
I didn't watch the Dead by Daylight animation because YT is trash and didn't tell me shit it but I'll fix that right after this video ends.
Could be cause my MMR is low but newer to DBD, and played killer to iri 1 for the first time and it was chill af. Didn’t slug and didn’t camp, got 3-4ks in 100% of matches below iri and like 80% of the time in iri. Even against gen rushing comps I just make sure to catch a couple of them and it slows them down tremendously. Meanwhile I’m just vibin out having a good time and I don’t have the stress of feeling hunted. Feels like there’s a lot of leeway
I feel like a lot of the issues in this game stem from the fact that it’s very killer sided. If it were more balanced then the game overall would feel better at least
Friday the 13th always made me wonder what the hell BHVR was thinking. Friday is a dynamic game of cat and mouse where survivors can outplay the killer with so many things. Stealth, speed, combat, items. It was so fun and games rarely were the same, it had issues of course but its gameplay loop was focused on being able to weigh options and play around Jason's habits. All the characters in DBD always made me wish we could play and actually FEEL like the character we're playing. Instead of each character basicslly being a different skin, or a killer skin with different power
Stealth isn’t completely gone, you just have to bring 3 different perks and also learn how to hide from your own teammates.
Great video, I never heard anyone else mention hooks as a design flaw but you explained how they are well. The idea of DBD being super sweaty I can attest. The one time I got my friends to try it with me as a 4 stack we got matched with a high level legion and got stomped within a few minutes lol.
This was just an ad for your DbD animation disguised as a video essay all along. Right, PoG? queue mystery gang gasping
I 100 percent understand losing the desire to do something after a disappointment, especially after it being a big personal deal.
I knitted a sweater for someone pretty important to me years ago, for them to promptly ghost me and move away. I didnt knit again for years, and only now have I just started knitting again (for myself this time)
This video was great. I didnt know you streamed. Can you make more videos on this topic?
Hey Plague, I hope you have a nice day
I never played this game but saw a lot of streams when it came out. It looked pretty fun, it had potential, but after a couple of weeks i didn't see anyone playing it anymore and all i heard from it were bad things
An easier name they should of used to pronounce the game: DeadLight
When I finally tried this game for a few days, every match was just getting bullied by an experienced and leveled up opponent, either alone or with other newbies, with a learning curve that looked more like the hard part of a climbing wall. I quit because the game wasn't really allowing me to get better or have fun at all
I loved your DBD animation
DBD has a strong core around chases, and pathing towards pallets/windows, as well as a degree of area pressure / management. But, you're right that the mechanisms of death, hooks, and unhooks aren't necessarily a crucial component. There's other 4v1 games that more cleanly divide "Survivors win" vs "Killer wins", and everyone plays up until then; rather than rewarding focus on an individual.
I'd really like to see a DBD clone that eases the "generator rush" issue giving killers anxiety, as well as specifically rewarding/encouraging chase gameplay. It might not even be a 4v1 game at that point, since 3 players often have little to do.
Always a pleasure to listen to any type of format you make. You're well spoken and have a great idea on how to critique something.
Also seeing your carefully lengthy reply to commenters shows a nice amount of appreciation for them that doesn't go unnoticed.
I never played dbd but seeing it change from stealth sure did discourage me from ever trying.
that's very funny but everyone knows pyramid head is actually the prince's father in katamari damacy.
I still have a great time scaring people as the killer (as myers). I can't remember the last time I even cared about how many people escape. This may be because im also the type to DM a DnD game. Anyway, I'm an excellent killer, I just truly don't give a damn about "being the best" or "winning". I love horror, and having FUN with horror.
I feel that a game that is asymmetrical like DBD is just fundamentally flawed for what they are trying to do with it, as in It will never suit any kind of serious and competitive game play. You kinda pointed this out in your video too, from the start it did not seem like DBD was not planned to become what it is today.
the pyramid head jokes got me
I was going to say, I played both DBD and Warframe on your talking about them. I still play Warframe now and then, mostly to help new players along. Dunno if it was the better choice. I just bounced off DBD. (I do still love the animation though.) I'd still love to listen to that hour long video, if you release it someplace.
I do think the dark should be brought back and the generators should take longer to fix but in defence of the survivors the generators should make less sound and maybe not always be seen by killers. Let the game of Cat and Mouse be a game of Cat and Mouse. Let the killer Hunt not chase.
It’s very strange, the Killer players have this apparent reputation of being toxic tryhards but I can’t think of a single big DBD player who strictly plays killer and any content on YouTube relating to that side of the game is mainly about dealing with SWF. So maybe the toxicity at play here is simply projection.
Did you kill Chris Voiceman in that clip?
Such a good video. DbD is so surprisngly complex.
DbD is a Game i wanted to play since day 1. Especially as a Killer cause i really love Slasher movies and the Game sounds like an absolute dream.
But playing it especially as a new player is a nightmare because i am expected to know thousands of thousands of systems and maps and there is a weird learning couve.
While Bots are these days in the game, where i can somewhat have fun like it, it doesnt fixes the problem.
but thats just my 2 cents
Wanted to get into it but it seems very poor for new players and has too much dlc will wait for a sequel 😅
I actually disgaree about the reasoning for 2v8 Q times. People DO want to play Survivor, but player Killer WITH a friend is just something nearly every Killer and flex player has wanted forever (Even people who find Killer too stressful and intimidating due to it being a 1v4 wanted it). You have always been able to play with your friends against other people as Survivors, but NOT as Killer. Even as someone who doesn't play Killer much anymore, I wanted it for that reason and the terrible Q times are the only thing keeping me away lol. Not to mention, there's alos the fact that one side needs an extra 4 players.
I tried this game a couple of times on free weekends. Seemed too stressful to play woth randoms so I've never bought it. I do want a modern asymmetrical PVP stealth game ala Spy vs Mercs. Maybe someday
The dbd cartoon is hilarious. It totally deserved more views considering the audience size on YouTube.
I'll go check out that animation you did after this vid, I do enjoy some good animation.
I kept waiting for DBD to evolve into something that leaned into immersion with the horror movie tropes more – different objectives and scenarios that would play into various horror movie survival situations. The fact that they instead chose to hyperfocus on such an incredibly narrow and specific-to-itself gameplay loop that the players have sucked all the mystery and organicness out of will always strike me as a really weird design decision.
So the hook thing is definitely an issue, but something I've had an issue with for a VERY long time is the complete imbalance of perks. For both Killer and Survivor, there is a **stark** contrast between the "No, I WANNA WIN! WAAAHHH!" perks and the "Haha this will be neat if it works" perks, and often a win or a loss feels like it comes down mostly to which ones you picked. That's to say nothing of Solo-Queue Survivor gameplay, in which you either bring 4 info perks and a med-kit or else you may as well just lay down and let the Killer have your tight little hole. More often than not, creating a build just feels like deciding on whether you feel like winning or losing.
DBD is LOL at this point. Why play it when there’s better games out there.
So what would happen if Behaviour took the hook system from the 2v8 mode, and applied it to the regular mode of the game? Could that benefit the general health state of the game? 🤔
DBD as intented: Aeons ago, me playing nurse teleporting into approximate area because the game had a cull distance of 2 meters and sending spooky noises with voice mod to 4 buddies that got spooked by surprise headset jumpscare heartbeat ASMR while grinch is spitting cheap 90s gore flick quotes or lovecraft dialogue, all of us with no clue what the fuck the a totem is or what "meta" perks are beyond "oh, flashbang now just stuns the character instead of me IRL by putting monitor brightness to 40000000%" and "Once per movie, each character can kick the monster in the groin/face/tits to get away".
DBD as i hear from everyone that actually plays it: 4 kids spitting at a cheap halloween monster till it chases one to play "get blocked by paper thin pasteboard wood" with the monster taking more time than a paraplegic to break through it while the other 3 play a really shit QTE sequence out of early 2000s CoD games.
Damn, I watched that animation. Though the most tragic part about it is that it was dedicated to DBD of all things.
Recently started playing the game and as a mainly killer player it can get really stressful being in your first chase for over a 1 min and seeing all the gens flash by. although brining it back from that state can feel amazing. Changing to hook system to something like pyramid head sounds like it be cool, that and he's who i mainly play so I'm biased :3
This gameplay looks exceedingly uninteresting compared to when I first saw the game years ago.
Back then it was tense and exciting and interesting.
Now it just looks like a speedrun where I don't know the goals or rules.
I like hearing your thoughts on it though.
I think it's more a shame that this same dev team, created a good game once upon a time, called:
Death Garden: BLOOD HARVEST.
Then deleted its existence a few months later.
The first public release version of that game was actually impeccable. Fun and incredibly well designed.
Then they patched it. Meeting the demands of a vocal minority who lost alot of their games..
It vanished from Steam shortly after.
One of the best parkour experiences, tied into a niche asymmetrical versus environment.
It's a shame DBD is more profitable by simply extorting the most n o r m a l people via skins.
Death Garden felt good at low level and high level. I don't know where to begin with DBD the moment you take this game seriously..
I am enjoying this format. 🙂
If you want to talk about everything, maybe split the video up into different parts? You could even write the scripts at the same time and just switch between scripts as you find yourself going on different tangents?
I really enjoyed your playthrough of demon's souls with german spy. Do you think you will make a video on the game?
Any real discussion in this video died at “I have to many hours” coupled with “I suck”.
DBD is a party games
DBD doesn’t take 5K hours to be good at.
The issue of becoming good is no longer an issue about playtime.
It’s a personal skill issue. And it’s sad but expected that many DBD community member aren’t able to come to conclusions when the problem is slightly more complicated than “after A comes B”.
Wth…. i didn't expect you to upload a vod on dbd….
How did this out live Evolve?!! I know the answers but just the concept alone on paper. Would you rather be a giant, bashing kaju or a walking serial killer ? Just ranting a bit , love your gribes & vids