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17 thoughts on “VECNA NEEDS A LOT OF LOVE BEFORE THEY GO LIVE! Dead by Daylight PTB”

  1. This new killer is a clear representation of the fact that the devs only care about wow points.

    They try to draw you in to buy the killer while simultaneously making it so the survivors have an easier time. This killer is shite dressed up like a princess still shite though.

  2. yeah true, hopefully someone does expose the nasty attitudes and the misinformation circling around. Definitely glad I stopped playing ages ago. With that being said, I still really enjoy your content, keep going strong.

  3. Not the average survivor mains saying he’s “OP” like what GAME ARE THEY PLAYING!!! I FEEL LIKE IM LOSING MY MIIIIIIIINNNNNND!!! Like their whole argument will be “but True still 3k’d this game so how is this killer bad? DID YOU SEEE THE SURVIVORS???? It’s literally crazy.

  4. The concept and abilities are amazing imo but I feel like they could be tweaked ever so slightly to make this killer a much better experience from both surv and killer pov. From surv pov you get magic items that give you buffs to help deal with the killer throughout the game for free, vecna’s skeletons are not hard to dodge you can literally crouch them or sometimes just standing still will mean you won’t get hit and the mage hand lifts pallets back up for surfs to use again later and since vecna is slowed when he casts it usually those 4 seconds is nothing to waste for the surv to loop back around on again to just drop the pallet once more. The flying ability seems alright but once again with how long it takes before you can swing it’s just a travel ability and the ball thing seems decent but with how slow it is you’d have walked to the survivors before they would have been touched by it. And the cool-downs are like 50 something seconds I think? I could be wrong I’m not 100% but that’s such a long cooldown on his abilities for them to be so weak.

    Removing the slow after casting age hand would improve a lot and probably not showing what he’s about to cast so survs can’t tell what he’s preparing would be a nice addition also, with the skeletons I think either making it so that survs can’t crouch it or so that the spread is so noticeable would be a huge improvement also, a slight increase on the ball ability and finally on fly making it so that coming out of the ability flows faster so that you are not staring at the survivor for like 5 seconds watching them get to another pallet or window.

    I think these improvements would make it so the mage hand is more of an actual 50/50 on both sides since it does seem to favor survs usually with pallets and since they can tell what spell he’s gonna cast they already know what he’s trying to do so removing that would also help with the risk reward of it since if the surv lasts the time they get another free pallet or if the pallet isn’t down and the surv loops the 4 secs then they can just throw it and vecnas mage hand is on cool down.

    The skeletons spread being tighter would be my personal preference since being able to crouch it is a solid counter for survs but at loops and other abilities you can usually hear the skeletons as they’re being cast so you know when they are coming so you can crouch it.

    The ball being faster is pretty self explanatory the cool-down feels like forever and it’s usually just for information.

    Fly being able to flow faster into normal gameplay I think would help vecna with feeling a little less clunky and just in general would seem like he would play smoother imo because when he’s flying around and they just flys to a surv and then has to watch them create dist before they can swing is stupid to me.

    My opinions they likely won’t be of much difference what’s anyone else’s?

  5. The Hand is awful. so is the sphere. Fly is meh. Shooting skeletons also meh. It will beat new players who have never played him but after the first week or so not gonna hold out

  6. Why are people so pressed about the killer being undertuned? This is the PTB… BHVR probably undertuned his powers because they are pretty hard to balance and they are probably trying to find ways to buff him a little bit has he is clearly in a somewhat weak spot


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