W-KEY MYERS 12 HOOKS TO VICTORY | Dead by Daylight

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43 thoughts on “W-KEY MYERS 12 HOOKS TO VICTORY | Dead by Daylight”

  1. A lot of it, I think, depends on playtime and skill-gap. I'm at 700 hours now, about half survivor and half killer and way prefer killer. If I get potato survivors, sure, I can have fun. But I just am not very good yet. So it's bbq, corrupt, pop, and something else most games for me until I get a little better. Right now my biggest problem is trying to turn the corner and figuring out how to beat SWFs with 10 times my hours without being Freddy, since I only really play Ghostface and Doctor, sometimes Legion. So… I'm good not going for 12 hooks and just trying to win without being scummy.

    I'm sorry you haven't been doing well. I lost everything to covid myself–job, home, career, life savings, fiancee. I'm glad you've persevered and it's good to hear you're back. I've never been able to catch you on twitch because of time zones, but I thoroughly look forward to your vods. Keep kicking, bro.

  2. imo the argument that Tru3 made about hooks being better than kills is a bit dumb. Because 1, the matchmaking is garbage. 2, if or rather when, you face a really good team of survivors you most likely won't win by getting the 12 hooks. And believing that you can do long win streaks with a 12 hooks criteria in each game is almost impossible if not impossible.
    You'll likely do 12 hooks when the survivors are either bad or average, but when they are good loopers and do gens quickly, you won't get 12 hooks. This is why you slug. You slug to temper stuff at your advantage because you can not pick every survivor after each chase and bring them to a hook all day long.

  3. Exactly! Kill rate doesn't have much to do with whether killers are strong or not. And the fact that red rank killers have high kill rate also doesn't mean the game is killer-sided. Red rank players generally have more experience, and ranking up as killer is harder than as survivor so we often see the kind of players in this video in purple to red ranks, even though they don't really belong there. They didn't die because the killer had some op power, they died because they just weren't that good.

  4. I’m just glad to see you upload Ard. Though I enjoy the Zimbabwe Bubba and James memes and all that, I subbed to you before that because I genuinely enjoy your personality you’re a real chill and funny dude so your content has always been a pleasure to watch. I appreciate you bro, we all do. I hope you feel better.

  5. Jesus Christ, these matches are what the devs are balancing for, there is no way this game will ever be balanced since the fog whisperers don't even want it to be balanced gg devs we will forever be stuck in potato meta.
    Be yourself Ardetha. Your content was better than the resent over the top persona, not saying the newer stuff is bad but I prefer old vids to the newer ones.

  6. Dude, for me you can do whatever you want with your videos, I used to watch them when they were just stream highlights and I've learnt a lot with your mindgame teachings so if you want to do more chill videos or not do them at all it's totally fine to me, you just need to be happy with what you're doing

  7. If this game were balanced around top tier killers versus efficient swfs on comms, this game would be very different. You'd never win as a solo queue survivor unless the killer is a straight-up dum-dum or they applied survivor bots to replace all of those dcing teammates, like the mobile version. Those bots know how to gen rush.

  8. Why would I run Unbreakable when I could be picked up by a sexy killer like Michael.

    No I'm serious.

    Okay but fr, love the content Ardetha keep it coming (Don't tell Otz but I like ur stuff way better and LOL I'm not even gonna mention the other one who started the whole 12 hook controversy).


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