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What are the best perks to run on Legion? Well, I guess we’ll just talk about every single perk for killer in Dead by Daylight and explain whether or not it can be useful on Legion! Enjoy this discussion covering all of the killer perks in Dead by Daylight and how they work on Legion!
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My personal build for legion is enduring, blood echo, thanata, and pop so this video will be interesting
I have a build going that consists of Hex: Ruin and Undying, Thanatophobia, and Discord/Tinkerer. I like it and it gets the job done.
My build atm on legion is ruin, corrupt, thanatophobia and blood echo
enduring,dying light,pop,thanatophobia =EZ
I love to run Nurse's Calling, Thana, Ruin and Sloppy Butcher, with The Legion Pin and Filthy Blade, it essentially forces them to heal, but is also not letting them. I run Ruin there personally because it's my favorite gen regression perk.
I run pop, discordance, overcharge and spies. I have trouble keeping chase so spies helps, and aside from that I just Gen monitor.
Bro you just gotta go with the new meta:
Territorial Imperative, gear head, hangman’s trick, and hoarder for the best DBD experience
I use Bamboozle, BBQ & Chilli, Thanatophobia and PGTW!
1 hour video of tat and zimmnex talking about legion, I’m gonna cum
The otz we never knew we needed.
I'll save you the watch. Best build is Mad Grit paired with Agitation and Iron Grasp. You could also pair this with Forced Penance for extra effect, but I recommend Blood Warden. Alternatively, Hanged Man's Trick works
I was happy to see a duo video with The Teenie))
Welcome to the podcast with Frank (Tat) and Joe (Zimmy)
I know that awesome guy who played Legion on PS4 and ran 0 add-ons as well.
He maybe could say something about this entire Legion thing that's going on!
But overall – good, informative and useful video!
Is a build like Enduring Bamboozle Pop Thrilling Tremors good on legion?
I have never understood people that run STBFL on Legion. It's a good perk, but really only on killers that have a secondary attack like Demo's Shred, where he can save stacks while still downing the obsession. Legion can't really do that…
0:21 A Nurses Calling (who the fuck calls it A nurses calling be a normal human being and say nurses)
0:18 Agitation
1:51 Bamboozle (part of tats build)
3:37 Barbecue &Chili (part of tats build)
4:03 Beast Of Prey
4:47 Bitter Murmur
5:44 Blood Echo
6:39 Blood Warden
7:46 Bloodhound
8:34 Brutal Strength (No zim tat won't kick the gen)
10:16 Corrupt intervention
11:01 Coulrophobia
12:23 Coup De Grace (im not putting the thing on the a sorry but i am not bothered to find it as its late and i need to sleep)
14:30 Cruel Limits
15:45 Dark Devotion
16:47 Dead Man's Switch
17:42 Deathbound
18:05 Deerstalker
19:13 Discordance
19:56 Distressing
20:31 Dragon's Grip
21:45 Dying Light
23:01 Enduring (part of tats build)
23:27 Eruption
24:56 Fire Up
27:18 Forced Penance (Actually a funny perk on legion)
28:02 Franklin's Demise
29:20 Furtive Chase
29:38 Gearhead
30:09 Hangman's Trick
30:30 Hex: Blood Favour (BHVR give this perk some love pls)
31:19 Hex: Crowd Control
31:52 Hex: Devour Hope
32:48 Hex: Haunted Ground
34:02 Hex: Huntress Lullaby
34:37 Hex: No One Escapes Death (pls just call this noed and also aahhhh its the scary perk nerf it NERF IT)
35:25 Hex: Retribution
36:01 Hex: Ruin (oh god its the actual good perk)
37:18 Hex: The Third Seal (actual funny perk)
38:39 Hex: Thrill Of The Hunt
38:51 Hex: Undying
39:12 Hoarder (why just why)
40:55 Hysteria
41:10 I'm All Ears
41:33 Infectious Fright
42:18 Insidious (refer to hoarder)
43:33 Iron Grasp (they spent a long time doing maths)
45:26 Iron Maiden
46:44 Knock Out
47:00 Lethal Pursuer
47:27 Lightborn (very funny perk on other killers)
47:59 Mad Grit
48:20 Make Your Choice
49:04 Mindbreaker
50:21 Monitor & Abuse
50:47 Monstrous Shrine (OP PLEASE NERF BHVR)
51:11 Nemesis (More like NemeSUS i hate myself)
51:50 No Way Out (No way out of deez nutz wow i really just want to die)
52:05 Oppression
53:04 Overcharge
54:47 Overwhelming presence
55:34 Play With Your Food (Play with Deez nutz wow i need to get a life)
56:40 Pop Goes The Weasel (pop goes deez nutz please i am screaming for help)
57:38 Predator
58:39 Rancor
59:26 Remember Me
59:43 Save The Best For Last (stbfl run it please it's funny)
1:02:52 Shadowborn
1:04:58 Sloppy Butcher
1:07:22 Spies From The Shadows
1:08:03 Spirit Fury
1:09:42 Starstruck
1:12:59 Stridor
1:13:32 Surge (part of tats build)
1:15:34 Surveillance
1:16:23 Territorial Imperative
1:17:01 Thanatophobia (a decent little perk on legion
1:18:44 Thrilling Tremors
1:19:12 Tinkerer
1:20:09 Trail Of Torment
1:21:01 Unnerving Presence
1:21:32 Unrelenting
1:23:25 Whispers
1:24:49 Zanshin Tactics
I Hope this helps someone and I hope you liked my little remarks on a few perks 🙂
Now time for me to sleep gn all
This is the video I’ve been waiting for. A legion dedicated video.
Bloodhound is underrated. It is so easy for Legion to keep survivors injured and benefit from tracking them easier with the blood. And survivors generally have no clue that you are running it. So you can track them and down them and they don't understand. That information disparity is huge.
Only 1.5 hours? Too far from Otzdarva's level…
While Legion’s power is rather lackluster, it’s versatile enough that it can work well with specific builds, and I think the “best” perks are really up to how you want to play. For example, I feel Legion works best as a Killer who uses hit-and-run tactics to generate stall but has a poor chase that needs to be bandaided with a strong chase perk, so I like to run Thanatophobia, Dying Light, Surge, and Bamboozle. Meanwhile, my friend likes the free-first-hit aspect of Legion and plays him as a snowball Killer, so he runs Thanatophobia, Bamboozle, Infectious Fright, and Blood Echo. It’s very heavily dependent on player choice, more so than a few other Killers.
Thanks for having me <3
If monstrous shrine isnt number 1 i will cry
I used Unnerving and Overcharge to get to rank 1 for the first time on Doctor. Even without Lullaby those two are really strong together. A lot of survivors can't make that skill check.
If anyone wants to review my perks for legion that would be very helpful I run: Discordance, BBQ & chilli, enduring, thanatophobia. Just saying been thinking of switching out thanatophobia with surge, and maybe discordance with unrelenting but I think I'm fine with this build for now.
I run Pop, Thana, Bamboozle and BBQ or i go for Ruin, Undying, Pop and Thrilling Tremors
My try hard build on legion is thrilling tremors, pop, enduring and surge along with green duration add on and yellow pin. Sometimes ill switch surge out fir thanta.
Legit, coup de grace + pwyf + pop + bbq is better than youd think on legion