Will TCM Replace Dead by Daylight?

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

Will TCM kill DBD? There are not many similarities between both games, but both are quite fun. I think TCM is more than able to compete and coexist with DBD but there are still some issues to work through for it to thrive.


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43 thoughts on “Will TCM Replace Dead by Daylight?”

  1. Honestly, it was never even a question. Already TCM is drying up. less and less people are playing it as content gets old quick. They can't update the game quick enough, the License is so small, that the game will just become original characters, and lose its very essence, its being. People dont want to play Bubba, but I am sure part of the licensing requires a bubba to be present, as HE IS the license.

  2. Until they fix crossplay, the "no one wants to play bubba", the "I only want to play Leland", and the price gouging, TCM will continue droppinh like it is right now.
    Evil Dead was a way better game but it was dropped fast.
    GUN has to make that magic happen. 😅

  3. TCM was fun for some hours until you get to the issues. You level up to the point where Leland's hide and then stun you, teabagging, and LF one-shooting you. Map familiarity is 90% of the skill of this game.

  4. for me, yeah it definitely has killed dbd, it doesn’t have all the licenses but the gameplay is so much more fun to me and it’s fun on both sides, which i will never get from dbd i don’t think, especially not with the community

  5. I hope dbd crashes and burns, most of the community is trash or mentally ill and i havent played in over 2 years because of it. Ive recieved more death threats and slurs in dbd than any other toxic games like cod or R6

  6. Dbd really needs to make a DBD "2" with actual great graphics and new objectives. They had the chance to but they decide to put all their money into their flop game "hook on you"

  7. imma be real wit you rapid i think everyone clicking on this video knows the answer to this before watching🤣 its a great game, but the longevity factor is just not there.

  8. I hate when ppl compare DBD to other games, like that one game that just got shut down… the one with the movie monsters and stuff, it was like 90's themed or whatever but, I had a youtuber that I followed b/c they made funny DBD videos where they were just goofing off and spinning the killers all the time but, the above game came out and they obsessed over the new game and start ish talking DBD and they went so hard for the other game I stopped watching them b/c they were comparing the two games SO much. Like yeah TCM and DBD are in the same genre but they aren't all that similar at all and it kinda makes me less interested in TCM b/c of the comparisons.

    Have you played Identity V ? I can't remember if you have or not but, if not I'd recommend it. Also I just wanna see how you'd play the game cuz that sounds fun.

  9. People don’t seem to realize that the reason Dead by Daylight is a trash game is because of its design and core gameplay mechanics so it doesn’t matter how much new content DBD gets it will always be trash meanwhile the core design and gameplay mechanics for Texas chainsaw massacre is far superior with better graphics and it requires more skill and strategy u only get one life no 3 hooks leather face can 1 shot u so it’s more exciting to play TCM

  10. At level 40+ I was getting out in matches with people level 20 and under! I’m not totally sure how that happens. And NONE of them are in a party. Mostly the matches were proper but, how does that happen??

  11. Think DBD is in desperate need of competition. BHVR have made it abundantly clear that innovating is not something they care to devote a lot of time to ~ despite how many fans are asking.
    Which is beginning to look bad for the game given how long its been out. 7 years, 1 game mode – says it all. And the longer the years go on, the worse this looks.
    BHVR's deliberate avoidance of following gaming norms is slowly beginning to pile up, piece by piece – and we see them do this all the time, just to address the issue as late as possible.
    The prestige system is a hollow, meaningless mechanic. The amount of time you have to invest : ratioed w/ the rewards you get, is just outright shameful. You get nothing for your time.
    And stability/security issues still haven't been addressed. DDoS attacks can still happen at anytime, and it's just a slap in the face to fans whenever the game goes free on stores.
    BHVR are not harmonizing with their community to make the game better and make the players satisfied. They display intentions that seem only easy for devs and justify their ways, arrogantly.
    GUN's transparency is already promising, even if the information is negative – because they're showing they are willing to harmonize with their community to refine the game to work for everyone.

  12. Its very true that DBD will be the cause of its own Downfall, and I think that's currently happening right now. The game is bloated. There is too much stuff in the game. Too many perks, too many killers, too many maps. You might be wondering why I'm mentioning this. Because this kind of environment won't bring in new players. When you pick up a new game and you've got a mountain of things you need to know, it pushes new players away. DBD will get to a point (probably now) where the only people who stay are the long time players that won't have to learn much when the next new spam of content comes. And without new players to keep it active, the old players will start bleeding off and nobody is there to replace them. That is what's going to kill DBD.

    That and the fact that behavior is getting worse and worse about balancing their game and fixing bugs. Even now they constantly want to put more stuff into the game, always simply shoving new killers and perks to bloat it out even further. Basically greed is what is going to kill the game. People have always been asking for quality of life updates but instead we see yet another yearly road map of more shit being dumped into the game. If I started playing DBD right now, I wouldn't have lasted two weeks and would have moved on exhausted at the text book of perks, and killer powers I'm trying to learn.

  13. to me the diffrence between dbd and tcm is the same difference between tf2 and overwatch, like overwatch tcm is about learning to play as a team where everyone has a role to play, while dbd like tf2, is just fun chaos where you can have nic cage flash bang albert wesker in front of laurie strode's house and then twerk at him.

  14. The only reason people are now saying "let's not compare the two" is because it is clear TCM has been a bit of a flop and is absolutely no competition for DBD at all. Don't get me wrong, I can see why people would think TCM might have ruffled DBD/BHVR's feathers a bit, but it's been nearly two months since TCM has been released and it is completely bleeding players. That's not even mentioning the embarrassingly low Twitch viewers it gets now (this might be because a lot of content creators have just went back to DBD full time). The controversy around this upcoming pricing thing will also lower the player base quite a bit because no-one is spending $20 on a new killer and survivor.
    I get why people wanted TCM to be successful and bending over backwards to try and make it seem so, it's easy to see why people are bored of DBD, but TCM has just failed to build a player base and without a committed base of players, the game can never be seen as successful.
    I can see TCM hovering around 1K concurrent players when all is said and done, much like Friday the 13th it will have a small but perhaps dedicated fan base. Will that even be enough to warrant the license payments the developers need to pay? I guess time will tell. But people who were adamant that DBD would struggle to compete have nothing but egg on their face now.

  15. Honestly all these asym games will get killed by the players, just look at how bad cheating is that a company can't handle it a lot of the times. Hackers and cheaters are extremely prevalent in this genre and will do everything they can to destroy things for their personal fun.

  16. I assume DBD is a great game but when that was in prime so was f13, and f13 is infinitely better than that and TCM, i may be a bit biased but f13 was peak and if it wasn’t discontinued then it would likely outshine every asymmetrical horror game to come

  17. DBD has been HOT GARBAGE for years now.
    In TCM, I can actually escape as a survivor, and actually have fun on the victim side.
    In DBD you can barley escape anymore, from the constant tunneling and hook camping, To the meta perks and Disconnects, its just a very very toxic game,
    with a very very toxic Community. TCM even looks more appealing, compared to the Playdough Textures that DBD has.

  18. Bro after I hit p100 ash, I instantly was done with dbd and it’s non sense😂
    Tcm is already at the point to where it’s just to repetitive.
    Dbd is simply scraping the bottom of the barrel and really relying on other licenses so that they can coast off of their accomplishments to keep their game relevant. TCM, well mistakes have already been made😂
    This my opinion. Don’t go all keyboard warrior on me hummies.

  19. idk why a lot of ppl think that whenever a multiplayer horror game comes out, they say its going to be a dbd killer, when theyre all different games and dbd for now will be its own thing

  20. a lot of people have the misconception that dbd was first. the Kickstarter for F13 began in 2014 detailing the idea, DBD started production in 2015 and released before F13 but F13 was announced long before dbd making it the original Asym horror IMO.

  21. Honestly, it's very annoying when people compare TCM and DBD because of how different they are, and the TCM devs also agree. They said in an interview that they despised the thought of TCM being a game that rivals DBD and that they wish to not let that happen. I whole-heartedly respect and agree with the devs for their view on the 2 games.

  22. Rapid is the type of dude that takes a shit without his phone…. then gets up to get his phone then comes back to finish wiping ….. bro needs to stop comparing the 2 games and just let them exist in there own realm…..

  23. I only play dbd with my friends anymore. Every time I try a solo que game it’s abysmal and survivors will throw a pissyfit either in game or after. Tried today and a Claud (after I did a gen, got a flashlight save, took chase with nurse and then saved her off hook) chased me around pointing at me and body blocking during chase.


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