yes this appears to be the correct killer skill level for me – Dead by Daylight

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because I end up going for yolo saves at the end of the match and end up dying a lot, this is typically what i go against now. seems extremely frustrating for new killers to go against.


35 thoughts on “yes this appears to be the correct killer skill level for me – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I feel like the best survivor players I know, die pretty often because they care more about gameplay interactions (chases, flashlight/pallet saves, etc) than they care about sitting on gens and escaping. it's funny to think a bunch of cracked survivors end up at intermediate MMR

  2. the bad part is all it takes is them winning a couple games they shouldn't have and you losing a few games you shouldn't have and now your in the elo range to match with them

  3. Just so everybody is aware … at 2:20 "Maybe they recorded him in a Zoom meeting?" … He went to a professional studio and sent them him doing the lines … but since he's much older now they actually digitally changed his voice to try and get it Close to the movie's tone and stuff… which made it all distorted sounding…

  4. you pointed at his grade, that is also proof that the mmr is dum.
    and if "players got better" are you telling me that the player base got better over 2 weeks?
    because i missed the first 2 weeks of mmr, any killer i played i was losing on every game and i lost alot of games
    then i got plague in that same month, and then with plague i won games for 2 days straight got to red grade 3
    after that i only would lose games again like with my other killers
    since that month i have not gotten red grade again, as i primarily lose games no matter how i play, and basically never pip up unless the game gives a a free win then i gain 1 pips. rarely i gain 2 pips, the rest of the time i gain no pips or lose pips. meaning i barely ever grade up.
    so i dont know if i would say players got better. i would put it down to match making
    because when i would play survivor i would also escape or most of the time would escape, rarely did more then 1 or 2 people die in my survivor games.

    and what i did to show my feelings about the new match making, i have stopped playing. i come back and play a few games every now and then and then quit again like once a month or so, because i get unwinnable games. and yea sure there is a weak link but that weak link is still a good looper and im fucked anyway 90% of the time.
    im not even going to open the game because of this event. not worth the stress.

  5. imo MMR isn't worse than ranked based matchmaking… BUT everyone knew ranked based matchmaking was broken and bad. we knew what to expect (=nothing). with bhvr putting too much work into SBMM and hyping it up, we had expectations. matchmaking is pretty much the same mess it was before, but now we're disappointed.

  6. "Just MMR doing its Job hurrdurr". That killer is me 90% of my matches. Every single person is a perfect looper and apparently I am extremely easy to read, even though I do something else every single time 😀

    I have a feeling that the game is so easy on survivor side, that they are pretty much all at high MMR. I play solo survivor myself as well, so I know this is a fact. Anyone complaining about solo Q needs to reflect in the mirror first 😉 Most killers I can loop for days. Only nurse is a real issue for me rly. And with that I mean I REALLY suck playing against er. But every other killer that actually has to go around walls and break pallets… easy.

  7. I played today after about a week of not playing, the first 5 matches i got into i lost all of em in a row. The survivors that i had to face were wayyy above my skill level. About 4 of the matches, i only managed to get 1 or 2 hooks before endgame due to being run around for god knows how long. Especially since it seemed like they were in a swf and could easily communicate considering the teams were extremely efficient. I do admit, i aint the best killer, but it just seemed like there was nothing i could do, if i chase a survivor, everyone else is on a gen and fly by them, if i dont chase anyone, i lose all pressure and end up losing anyway. Even if i end a chase quickly, it wont matter because theres always atleast 1 survivor doing a gen knowing exactly what to do. This game is in critical need of a rix because ive literally given up on trying to have fun on it, it honestly seems like the devs are trying to do this on purpose just to drive away all the killers from how un fun and competitive it is nowadays.

  8. i wonder how easy it is to get your ip black listed by bhvr… if they remove items just for quoting them, then im sure saying “they are stoopid poopoo head baby devs” would be enough right?

  9. Dear Scott,
    The team was made aware of some recent conduct that does not meet the standards of exemplary conduct that content creators are expected to uphold. In this case targeting our mmr system. As such we will be nerfing The Pig and she will not buffed. This decision is final.

    Thank you
    The DBD team

  10. As we saw in the interview where Doug Bradley (original Pinhead actor) cries about not being contacted about voicing Pinhead for DBD (pre-mid chapter), he and his co-host both have microphones in front of their faces but only used the laptop built-in microphone, it's safe to assume that the Pinhead dialogue lines were recorded the same. You can hear so much room tone in the dialogue lines and the compression on top of that just makes it even more noticable.

    Also shoutout to Scott for correcting the person in chat who actually believed that .MP3s were somehow higher quality than .WAV files LUL

  11. I was playing blight and got a literal corner hiding meg… self-care and all of its glory… the rest of the team was decent but that meg wasn't in their 3 man swf… a true product of skillful determination

  12. I got matched against 4 red ranks, all on PC and I was copper 3 (at the time) and on console. I got two of them, but ive played on and off since the pig was released so it wasn't unbearable but I can easily imagine how toxic that would of been to someone with less hours. Also FYI if you're on pc, console players cant turn up the in game brightness. They also cant decide not to play against pc players. But there is an option to do beta testing, they bribe you with a small amount of extra bloodpoints to do the beta testing actually. I dont know why, lord knows the devs are either unwilling or not able to listen to their player base

  13. God! Scott is such a dirtbag! Not only does he run the killer the Whole game, but at the end in order to guarantee his escape, he throws a rock at Claudette's face to slow her down! How can this toxicity stand??????

  14. They really just need to make it so the chain portal is WAY easier to control, it really doesn’t need to be so hard. It’s high risk, low reward, literally not even as good as a clown bottle, yet harder to hit than every killer power.


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