ZERO Gens DONE = I Get Reported | Dead by Daylight

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#dbd #oni #theoni

Being a Minotaur main sure has its benefits lmao.


27 thoughts on “ZERO Gens DONE = I Get Reported | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Wow, you actually got reported? You weren't camping, tunneling, or even using any of the real nasty perks either. They even could have at least done 2 or even 3 gens during those first two chases as well. Love the entitled survivor mentality that runs rampant in this game.

  2. I play swf with some friends, we're all pretty chill and don't get upset at killers… except for one guy… he literally complained about a killer picking him up and not letting him use unbreakable. Like, bruh…

  3. Okay, so I'm a survivor main, and I get that it's frustrating going against some killers, but you played so fairly and well. No tunnelling or camping – if anything the Jeff kept hanging around the Meg during chase so the team couldn't rescue until he went down. Not hard to see who's bad play it was 🙄 ggs on a good game!

  4. I got my first ggwp msg yesterday as killer, got 3 hooks in the endgame was expecting some rage but theres a first time for everything

  5. Honestly this was the slowest oni game I have ever seen, this is definitely an amateur oni, not a bad one, but not like the professional sweats as high mmr players have to deal with… and this team was just bad, from the Meg giving up to the feng just hide the entire game.

  6. why would you get reported? they were pretty dumb. no one was repairing gens, obv. and that last surv just hiding, leaving their team to die… and trying to hide from Oni? dumb


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