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Abusing The Tryhard Survivor Build – Dead by Daylight
In today’s video we are going to be using the meta tryhard survivor build, hope you all enjoy the video!
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My perks are pink by installing a custom icon pack which is available on PC, the pack I use is the pink galaxy pack
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was bout to say i’ve never seen him moonwalk lol
you should have taken the hit
It made me feel so haply seeing you moonwalk and use a flashy
Another phenomenal video. If you were a DBD perk, you would 100% certainly be Resilience. Btw, how do you feel about the potential chapter 24 – 26 leaks? Disappointed or excited nonetheless?
This such a great solo queue build for people who’s playing with randoms
"yeah we need to watch out for tombstone" as he runs towards him LOL
W video once again
Tombstone can be op, but you just make it less op lol. Great looping against instakill Myers.
Naymeti do you play sims 4
great video!
Thanks Nay for being super consistent, been watching for months and I really enjoy the content brother.
Damn, I've never seen the elevated ground tile in Eyrie of Crows before. It looks so weird.
I always used this build but with DS instead of resilience.. I never knew it was a tryhard build lol
yeesss the moonwalks lmao been wanting to see u do them
What is the best build with prove thyself and dead hard?
5:37 injured during adrenaline?
I post dbd videos trying to come up pls check me out🫶🏾
Hey Naymeti! I love your videos and I have always wondered how you get your perks pink?
every naymeti video: ok guys so we are going to use the exact same build from last video ik its boring but trust me this is great content and really fun to watch
I ran this build thinking I made it,only to realise it was a tryhard build
Always a good day with a Naymeti vid
I'm still wondering why didn't your Adrenaline heal you at the end of the blight game, but yet again an amazing video from you 💌