Dead by Daylight Should Become a Heist Game

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I wanted to make a Video Essay about DBD and with all of the interesting developments around matchmaking recently I thought now would be a great time. In this video I discuss the SBMM changes, Matchmaking Test Results, Current game balance, the stale meta etc… And how the best possible solution might be to add a heist element to the base game.

***ART Credit***
Huntress Thumbnail Art – twitch.tv_jubalina
Survivor Rulebook Art –

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00:00 Intro
00:13 Chapter 1 “The Problem”
06:00 Chapter 2 “The Solution”
12:05 Chapter 3 “I’m Unsubscribing”

Music: Power Music Factory
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Divider by Chris Zabriskie http://chriszabriskie.comCreative Commons
— Attribution 4.0 International
— CC BY 4.0Free Download / Stream: promoted by Audio Library

Spaceship by Lesion X Commons
— Attribution 3.0 Unported
— CC BY 3.0Free Download / Stream: promoted by Audio Library

Darkest Child by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.comCreative Commons
— Attribution 4.0 International
— CC BY 4.0Free Download / Stream: promoted by Audio Library


34 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight Should Become a Heist Game”

  1. Side objectives have always been the answer. Specifically the need to complete a minimum number to escape.

    Buffing solo Queue survivor. Base kit kindred or borrowed time. Possibly both.

    Killer/boon totem balancing. It’s time to admit that no one wants to play killer. Boons were a mistake in their current form, and no one wants to play killer. Skill based matchmaking will never work in this game. Ever. It would need a total overhaul

  2. This idea has a similar intrinsict balance to Hunt Showdown. It shares similarities to dbd in that it's asymmetrical based on what you want to bring into the match. You can dump tons of "bp" into your load out to increase your chances, but it makes it much riskier

  3. I think that also all the cult built around certain streamers and content creators of DBD helped to build up this "competitive mind in a non-competitive game" I mean, I've seen at least 3 or more videos of DBD streamers that were the typical hype title like "TOXIC BUILD FOR KILLER!" "ABNOXIOUS OP BUILD FOR KILLER" "SURVIVORS STAND NO CHANCE AGAINS THIS BUILD!" bs like that, same for survivor streamers be like "bullying the killer with no meta perks" etc…. I mean, wtf? The problem with DBD is also that some streamers started to really sweat about the game, and push the boundaries further, setting the bar even higher, thats what happened.

  4. IMO, Devs should reduce burden from the killer side. Playing survivor has significantly less thing to worry, and losing is not as bad as killer side, as you can divide the loss to other teammates.
    I had quite a few survivor who DC because Pinhead is giving them extra objective that make them feel "unfun"

  5. I'm nitpicking, 3:41 2/2/2 OW was meant to balance tanks/supports in response to goats, dps either wasn't played at this time or was heavily bashed in comp matches for picking an off meta roll, besides in some cases like 4 dps on certain maps. OW has had many more issues than just roll lock. Obligatory OW pfp. Still liked the video, the idea is an interesting take on the idea of more objectives for survivors, Long term I think it could work but that initial shock to the playerbase would be extremely rough, I don't know if the majority of players could handle their match quality drastically dropping that much, it would require a lot of playtesting with various groups of differing skill. The discussion of these ideas is always interesting though, ty Choy

  6. One idea I was discussing with some friends a while ago was giving killers benefits for hooking multiple times. I mean lore wise the entity feeds off of suffering so why not give the killer certain boosts depending on their hook count. I always felt like Devour Hope was one of the most interesting perks in the game so why not apply a weaker version of it to base hooks.

    >4 hooks Haste status after hooking someone for 30-45s
    >5 hooks increased action speeds by 20%
    >7 hooks Moris on everyone

    Of course you could meddle with the hooks required or the benefits given but for one I feel like motivating killers to play in a fun way.

    On the other hand give survivors a base kit camaraderie (or whatever it's called now, the perk that pauses the hook timer when the killer is within x meters).

    As much as McShitlean didn't want to admit it, adding certain perks to the base kit of both roles could drastically change up the meta and improve gameplay.

  7. It astonishes me that a game can spend 4 years of its 5 year life fixing a broken perk like decisive strike only for it to introduce a new broken perk like circle of healing.

    Idk why survivors feel they need to go full try hard in a 4 man.
    I bring borrowed time when I’m in a swfs but I don’t bring a full sweat build.

    I refuse to run circle of healing or dead hard in a swf it’s bull shit for there to be an anti pressure perk when the killers entire game play is applying pressure to slow down gen speeds.

    Circle of healing counters the games entire concept as it is and that’s retarded.

    But of course there are swfs who have not one person who brings it but two fricking people who bring it.

    I don’t see what is fun about a game that is that flipping one sided for either side.

  8. I liked someone’s (sadly don’t remember who) that said survivors should need to find something before being able to do a gen. Parts scattered around the map so they can’t immediate sit and bang out 3 gens before the killer finds anyone, this fixes not only gen speed, but the early game issues and survivor complaints about just making gens take longer. Would also encourage everyone to take a chase or two as they’d be wandering around not just sitting in a corner doing gens while neagod69 the cheater is permablinding the killer. Also getting rid of the hacking issue would I think dramatically improve killer for me, because whenever gens are going crazy fast or someone’s obviously moving faster than their teammates I just give up. If there wasn’t the constant paranoia of subtle cheaters I could fully accept how bad the game actually is and maybe take a break.

  9. Last night my friends and I played every match with our own challenges, often involving sand bagging each other. It was some of the best fun we've ever had, and we still escaped plenty whilst giving the killer longer matches to snowball.

  10. Number of Killers isn't surprising. Why would you play a game where you're being insulted almost every match and bullied by 4 people? I won't be surprised if BHVR will add Bot Killers into DBD. And that will be final image of how BHVR fucked DBD and it's beyond saving.

  11. Me and my friends have been doing challenges in game. Among us dbd edition I uploaded, we have challenges like who can get more stacks and survive, everyone brings items and hide them for the others to find them and must escape with it to win, even some for killer too to just enjoy the game and ignore any sweatyness

  12. Another person just left BHVR, queen not long ago left, seems like people just can't be arsed anymore. I don't blame them, the amount of shit they have to put up with, abuse ect, like get out now

  13. Something just to make killer more enjoyable would be nice. Getting a whole bunch of "The Game" offering SWF Hold W Gamers that just camp pallets and slam gens isn't exactly my definition of fun. And I would just take it to the chin and suck up if they didn't bm the whole endgame collapse at the gate.

    And playing survivor solo queue is equally cancer. Killers face/proxy camping and tunneling you is, once more, not my definition of fun. And I would take it to the chin and suck up if they didn't bm in the post game chat.

  14. The closest thing i have as a side objective as surv in dbd is that i focus on getting rid of all totems in a match. Getting bp for doing this is cool, it benefits the team and can occasionally get rid of a possible noed (and I’m stopping other survs from abusing boons lol). I do feel kinda bad for killers though if i get rid of a totem early on, especially since i used to be a killer main so i understand how devastating it can feel

  15. the Hollowed Blight Event was pure garbage from a Survivor pov, the flowers took ages to harvest so no1 bothered to touch gens and it was a 5 gen slaughter every game.
    i dunno when they datamined this but that looks like peek evening Que, i bet if i Q as survivor at 10 am the numbers would look like S:300 K:500 or something.
    both parties already have side objectives with tomes and challenges, the real killer will always be Map design/balance and the massive gap between Killer strength.
    not everybody is a v!rgin who mains nurse and blight with 4 anti gen perks and its not like the Legion buff will make me unstopable either, nerf strong killer and buff weak ones.

  16. As prettymuch exclusively a killer mine these days are play DBD I feel more like a bartender

    serving up some bottle of gameplay experience like it's my job to make the match what it is XD

    survivors are just like people on a night out partying while i clear up the destruction in their wake 🤣

  17. I always thought adding like a hardcore mode to where there’s modifiers for the survivors and the killer. Thus changing gameplay for killers and survivors making things a little more interesting but also maybe it to where it’s a random perk roulette in this hardcore mode or your random build always has some sort of gimmick it commits to or the randomizer “tries” to synergize the build idk I just think something along those lines would be fun. Maybe no coms being part of the modifiers

  18. While killer is VERY difficult and stressful to play at higher levels I think some blame SHOULD be placed on survivor mains and I will fully acknowledge how irrational it is to say that so my opinion will carry very little weight lol. This is more of an emotional rant than anything. I never, ever want to hear a survivor main who never plays killer's opinion on killer in this game. Unless you play both sides your opinion is invalid. Part of the reason we get into these messy que times is because you people refuse to even TRY killer. The reason killer is so miserable to play is because BHVR caters to you because you are the MAJORITY. Why do you think DS lasted as long as it did before its nerf? Why DH has lasted as long? BHVR is SCARED of you, survivor mains influence the direction of this game. That's honestly impressive. Be proud of that power because god do I wish killer had it sometimes. I know survivor mains will point to the boil over and coh changes and that's good! Keep making changes like that. Those changes are an exception to the rule not the norm when it comes to survivor nerfs.

  19. When I first saw the title of this video I thought you were going to suggest a co-op mode of survivors and killers working together. And in all honesty I think this may help with the fun of the game as working together instead of against each other would reduce antagonism, factional thinking, sweatiness.

  20. I actually really like this idea. Because as a survivor, having fun really gets you punished if you want a good amount of blood points. Honestly, I've watched many videos like this and they are give really straight forward ideas that don't sound as fun as this one does. I loved the video by the way, it went over everything very nicely!

  21. Killer is to stressful and not fun. When sadako came out I showed me mom the game. It frustrated her. Even switched to freddy. 2 games getting my but kicked when I have alot of hours.


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