NEMESIS Vs New Matchmaking Update! (SWEAT SQUAD) | Dead By Daylight

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NEMESIS Vs New Matchmaking! (MMR) Dead By Daylight Update
Dead By daylight we play nemesis update at rank 1 with best build in dbd. Mid chapter patch with new updates and ferryman skin. Best moments and funny moments with how to play killer and new skin. How to juke, rage moments. Best new perks build killer. New Map nemesis and new killer in dead by daylight. Dbd.

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Otzdarva, monto, No0b3.


29 thoughts on “NEMESIS Vs New Matchmaking Update! (SWEAT SQUAD) | Dead By Daylight”

  1. well I was hoping you wouldn't cut off the left side of the screen so I could see if it doesn't actually show ranks anymore. honestly I don't trust it bcs I still get games with trash teammates so I pretty much can't win unless the killer is also bad, I get lucky and find hatch or play with friends and I can't control when they play.

  2. Don't mind the haters man. I watch every stream and vid that I can and you are far from toxic. You use the right tactic at the right time and read survivor plays better than anyone I've seen. Keep pumping out the amazing content!

    P.S. Go back to the 9pm stream so I'm not at work when you're streaming XD

  3. yea tried playing killer after not playing for a while yesterday, this MMR system must be based on previous data because even though I've dropped back to rank 20 after being a rank 2 killer I'm going against extremely competent survivors. I was not prepared.

  4. MMR is a great idea but it’ll only hurt the game and have everyone playing super sweaty and abusing whatever the meta is, as killer your gonna be so used to playing sweaty swf’s that when you get a chill group of survivors your gonna massacre them, slug for the 4k, whatever you gotta do cuz your condition to want to stomp those SWF’s and then as SWF’s say goodbye to the meme builds that make survivor replayable…. and if you wanna solo que survivor have fun 😂😂😂 no explanation needed

  5. My MMR for survivor and killers has seemed great, not sure what everyone is on about. There are a shit load of kindreds so there's apparently more fair solo queue with people who actually know how to play solo queue

  6. I absolutely love the new mmr system. I feel like as killer I'm getting way more matches were I can win and maybe even get a 4k. But still have a challenge to where I don't just completely dominate them

  7. The sweats are extra sweaty lately. Usually, I can manage against people who try to spin on me but the people I went against yesterday literally ran circles around me and i couldn't get a hit on them. They even double body blocked when I tried to carry a survivor., like, what are you trying to prove?

    I'm not a super good killer and shit like that ruins the game for me.

  8. Dude, don’t use clickers tongue, it’s the worst addon in the game, there’s a video by some info(don’t know his name) that’s explains why, use instead mikhails eye 😉

  9. I guess the new MMR system is based on kill rate(on killer side). I usually let all 4 survivor go, either I gave them all mercy or they beat me. Just now for 3 hours straight, I am getting green/yellow rank newbie survivors, despite my usual rank is around rank 7.


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