New Feng Min Perk l Dead By Daylight

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BHVR has decided to improve the pallet stun animation in order to keep things running smoothly in game.


45 thoughts on “New Feng Min Perk l Dead By Daylight”

  1. Fengs has a new perk (Saids the person)
    Is Trolled bich
    When you pull the pallet on the killer and the killer miss the hit but hits the pallet,The killer gets stunned,Go out there,and ruin game and life’s.
    Shows a photo of the perk at the end

  2. Well, it's simple. It's not a bug or any sort of that. Look at the left top corner of the screen and you'll see a red symbol meaning that your internet connection is bad. The server just recognized you got hit with a pallet later because of your connection delay.

  3. this is a cool idea for a survivor perk tho. all stuns performed on a killer have increased duration 25/30/35% (i dont think the perk should be able to completely overpower Enduring's effect at pallets, as it has more uses than just being solely used at pallets). this includes head on, pallet stuns, wiggling off, decisive strike, flashlight saves (the survivor getting flashlight saved must be the one running this perk). sort of a reverse Enduring for the survivor side.

  4. So the perk is..
    Drop a pallet while the killer looking at the pallet to stun the killer after the pallet dropped by 1 seconds. The perk deactivate.

  5. Today I played as survivor, lagged, and managed to pallet drop and go through the killer and survive. It looked so professional but it was literally me lagging and not seeing what I was doing haha.

  6. You know what happened to me So I was in the Badham preschool the Basement gen I saw The Jonathan Byers In a corner where the pallet was And I moonwalked and I hit it but it did nothing I kept hitting him nothing happened hit him again nothing happened and he just teleported New perk survivors are immune to hits and can teleport it was so weird


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