NEW Wesker vs. Gen Rush SWF! | Dead by Daylight

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These gen speeds are just getting ridiculous. Thank you guys for watching, I hope you enjoy!

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20 thoughts on “NEW Wesker vs. Gen Rush SWF! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I mean most survivors that run these kind of builds are probably the same ones complaining when killers camp or tunnel, but when they're pumping gens at that rate what else can you do to slow them a bit? They need to do something about these gen speeds ASAP

  2. Otz is so right about how gen speed variation is bad for the game health cause this type of stuff should really not at all exist. I always thought it was cringe and unhealthy but Otz really highlighted why.

  3. I love the new wesker in the new update and too bad survivors are running green toolboxes every game with built to last and if it's a swf then they either split on gens using deja vu or just use prove thyself. Losing 1 gen is painful but i've felt the split up deja vu gen much worse since the first down you get 3 gens are done because they are split up with deja vu and now you are at 2 gens in like 2 minutes of the game. I understand why you were little toxic this game cause like every game this stuff happens and it almost feels like you need to play gen defense perks in order to have a chance to win instead of trying fun builds and trying to win.

  4. they get what they deserves anyway. can't loop for 10 sec, then they will rush to supply the horrible skill they have, this upset me more than anything, genrushers must die. but anyway well played, u did bring the satisfaction to us Chris.

  5. Fuck is this dude talking about gen being completed the second you spawn is completely balanced, but aye remember their is always slow down is in the game. But um the really good slow down perk was nerfed to the floor where only 2 KILLERS by the way can actually get value out of it because behavior thought big brain move right here boys let's add op gen perk to game but nerf slow down. At least can I get blood points back on BBQ so I can ignore the autism of this game.

  6. I am your subscriber from Russia and I am with you even before you have gained the first thousand subscribers. Congratulations on the two thousand and I wish you success.

  7. I've been noticing this a lot in my games recently. Personally, I think that it's okay, if it's a swf using these gen builds, because, it's a swf. You can't do much about a team. However, at the same time I feel as if the speed is a bit much. I think there could be some tweaking for sure in the survivor department right now. Even if it's not a swf, the likelihood is that they will be running some sort of gen type build anyway. Feels like it doesn't even change the rate of which they are doing these gens.

  8. Gen speed build are bland. One gen related perk is fine paired with healing, chase and info. Gen rushing build having been against it and playing with randoms with it I found it both time very dull. Makes survivor games boring due to lack of time spent in the match(the longer Im in the more I have fun) and less BPs from all sources beside objective(just my opinion). With killer you'll either get short chases or just wind up losing if you're either still learning a killer(me with Pyramid Head) or just plain new to the game. 1 gen related perk, 1 healing perk, 1 chase/exhaustion perk and 1 info like Otz has said in a previous video is a perfectly balanced build and fun to use

  9. main killers always crying about gen rush.. bro i mean we got nerfed on most of our good perk like ds 3 seconds stand is just a joke, iron will 75% really? we lose all perk at endgame or when we do an action and killers can just tunnel without any problem I mean you have so many slow down perk for gen and what we have? prove theyselve only? and some toolboxes that only are for 1 gen and then empty or you will complain about hyperfocus this rewarding the skill of someone hitting great not everyone can.. this game was always killer sided so not worth completing about it.


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