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No Mither with The Vault Speed Build – Dead by Daylight
In today’s video we are going to be using no mither with the vault speed build, hope you all enjoy!
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My perks are pink by installing a custom icon pack which is available on PC, the pack I use is the pink galaxy pack
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I wish there was a statistics page after the game like generator time, chase time, pallets dropped, saves.
the audacity the players in the first mach had to not go for the save and somehow didn’t manage to finish more than 1 gen in that amount of time
Your first game Team is The definition of…
doing Gens you?;)
I LOVE THIS VIDEO IDEA. No mither is so fun for hella good players who still want to run good perks like dh
Chased for literally 10 minutes and only a few gens get done the left to die while they pigeon around.. wth man talk about bad team mates.
You looped for pretty much the entire game in first clip and the teammates barely did any gens
That1st game would have piss me off, teammates did nothing. They were cancer, you were chase for longer that 2 minutes and they did nothing
U are the best
Wow you really had the worst teammates possible in that first game, just useless man. I don't know how you can take it so well lol great vid as always Nay!
6:33 – the reason I hate Nemi so much. How is this a hit through such a thick object?
Big fan 🙂🖤
You are best
the fact that nemesis gets affected by pallets make pallets a godly weapon from ancient times
I have a tip for you against nemesis. When he is pulling out his second weapon he can hit above small things like boxes, tables and so forth, but when your crouching then he can't hit you when your smaller than the Tables, boxes and so forth ^^
Those killers are too low skill. Please make videos this more confident.
Why are your perks pink/lighter purple, mine are purple?
Try this build but with windows of opportunity instead of no mither
how come u sometimes medium vault durig a chase?
almost at 100k subs!!
Broooo I was the huntress I was just learning to play her cus ima ghost face main n u played it sooo well the most I could do was wait for the pre drop on pallets and do a axe throw but ggs Man U looped it well I’m still learning
when the killer open the door my first thought is always blood warden lmao but its rarely the case, great video ^^
Can u try no mither unbreakable dead hard and detective taps perk where u can recover from slugged while moving
Why do you say my their
That first nemy match is my solo experience. I'll loop for ten minutes and two gens get done 😅
Wish I was as calm as you sound while playing. Average HR while playing DBD 85bpm
Literally the most useless teammates on the game I would have been so pissed
yay naymeti posted a new video
One of your teammates kills himself on the hook. Then what the hell are the other two doing while you leave the killer for an eternity
2:38 – 2:53 heart-stopping moment 😰😨
4:10 I love these kind of killers like wt..f!?? 🤣😂🤣😂
love learning the maps and the loops through your videos, and i also love how you show the mistakes you make♥the vaults are sometimes really wonky and end up becomig mediums 🙁
Hey Naymeti at 6:32 at boxes and stuff like vaults if you crouch his power won’t effect you
when playing as killer there are three things i think when seeing someone has no mither, 1. If its a david theyre probably going for adept, 2. if its anyone else theyre probably very confident in looping and being injured, 3. they probably have mettle
I swear that yui was the definition of useless when the gen popped she was just sitting in the freeze room , and when u we’re on hook she was in a locker 😭 and was healthy , I have not seen a good yui
What’s your settings can you make a video of that plz
Who else would love a naymeti vs spookyloopz dbd game?
Your teammates are truly the killers in the first game
I just wanna throw an build idea out I dont know if you have already did this but you could do a instant heal build with something like self care and maybe botany knowledge I'm not well versed in all the perks I think it would be fun to do and see
Imagine the bloodlust he had at some moments
Bro i love ur content
Allot of people don’t like no mither but I think it’s useful in the right hands.
LOVE the No Mither games!! Remarkable video as always, Naymeti 🙂
Useless teammates while you loop for 5 gens worth of time, gotta love that
Your teammates in the first video are literally not doing the slightest thing. I would be ashamed if I were them dang. Im sorry if this hurts anyone's feelings but not really. If you just hide somewhere and not do anything at all and just let everyone die to grab hatch or whatever please don't play. I don't understand the point. BTW I love your videos. Your awesome, you do a great job. Im pretty sure alot of people say this but I can understand and agree with them, if im having a crappy day or im sad and or upset watching you when im done the day makes me feel so much better.
another great video👍🏻
Naymeti im a big fan of yours. I got less than a hundred hrs record playing this game and i learn how to loop killers but im quite confuse about your perks. It's very different compared to mine. May i ask why is your perks icon looks different? Is that an achievement to earn?
Nemesis chased you for hours and your teammates didn’t repair a single generator 💀
Hey I know I’m a day late but I just have to say your comms are amazing but why don’t you add some jokes or even oh that was a good one or something I feel like your videos are a bit plain you gotta spice things up your know. BTW I’m not saying they’re bad it’s from a place of love ❤️