PART 6 – 28 More Minutes of Streamers Suffering with MMR in Dead by Daylight | DBD

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DBD Streamers showing their overwhelming joy for the indefinitely added SBMM system with some completely unrelated chitchat.

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00:00 TrU3Ta1ent
18:39 FarmerJohn
22:15 JohnWolfe

Music used : ” HORROR THEME ” composed and produced by “Vivek Abhishek”
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43 thoughts on “PART 6 – 28 More Minutes of Streamers Suffering with MMR in Dead by Daylight | DBD”

  1. JohnWolfe seems pleasant.
    The game is literally so tilted in Survivors' favour, you can no longer blame the Bubba for tunnelling. And why would he choose to chase someone at the school, if he doesn't need to?

  2. I cant tell who cries more, the survivors or truetalent
    Every single video he is in you will always see him complain about something and act like he is best player in the world and every one else sucks.

    Hella conceited too. “They are stream sniping so I wont get noed.” survivors in fact weren’t sniping and he gets his noed

  3. I'm not here to defend Tru3 by any means, he's shown that he can definitely defend himself very well. But seriously matches like that aren't fun, he didn't lose because he was bad. He lost because he faced a hacker who was clearly sniping him with that name, three were basically running the same build, loads of flashlights as Wraith, second chances galore, and the power of communication. Three were obviously together, and held him hostage in the game for quite a while. Anyone who defends toxic people like them are assholes.

  4. I don't think tru3 realizes that the majority of the games he 4ks and 4-man swf is a very rare thing. Yes, it sucks to go against them, but if you buff killers to be able to deal with 4-man teams, then that means that playing anything BUT in a 4-man is essentially a death sentence. High level plays are rarer than he thinks and this game would be horrible if they catered to him just so he can 4k a 4-man. Literally nobody would play survivor outside of being in a 4-man

  5. Killers can tunnel if they want – stop with the survivor rulebook thinking.

    Killers have to do what they have to do…

    It might be shitty in your eyes but same goes for stuff survivors do to killers.

    Killers dont wake up one morning and say "I want to tunnel some survivors" – they get a SWF after the other with spam macros and the same 4 perks and they say I have to tunnel to make a play.

    I quit Killer so I respect the hussle of all who still play the punching bag.

    Godspeed killer mains you are doing great work! o7

  6. that last guy makes no sense being in this video, am sorry but he perfectly fits his mmr. he doesn't look behind him he constantly hides in lockers and doesn't do gens then complains about his teammates and blames the killer for tunneling when he saves and hides like a rat instead of taking the chase.

  7. The difference I see between killer streamers and survivior streamers is that when the killer complains is usually because they litterally cannot play the game due to all the crutch that sfw have (not counting protection hits, that how the game is played). In assimmetrical games the outnumbered part usually dictates the tempo because if it's the majority then you have a DbD scenario. The surviviors streamers complains because they faced someone who can play the game and they are not having a smooth match, but that's how things work, if you are having fun someone else isn't, but there is a difference between having fun because you are winning and having fun because you are not letting the other players play the game (a.k.a. SFW/Basement camping). There are plenty of wrong things on both sides of the game: surviviors have insane tools, so killers gets even more insane tools to counter that and surviviors get even more insane tools to counter the counter. It's a never ending cycle because BHVR wants the surviviors to dictate the tempo, which in turn makes the game unfun for both sides because both have to be as annoying as possible to have a chance to not being bullied. And then there is SFW: voice chat, power role, gen rush and you have to accept the fact that you have to farm them because no way you are going to kill one if you don't have a mori.

  8. Tru3 whines about everything at this point, we all know that a high MMR 4-Man SWF is overpowered. But devs shouldn't balance the game around teams like this, because if they did, solo survivors would get screwed even more.

  9. Wraith was nerfed because any brain dead idiot could play him, run gimmicky skilless builds or abuse his lunge + cloak that gave free downs. He takes no skill. He didn’t deserve to be anywhere near a+ tier. Get over it you skilless scrubs and get better.

  10. While I can't even hit skill check properly, I can loop a killer for a super long time just because of map layout and I loop in a certain pattern. Even the killer is not moderately experienced, I should not be allowed to do this.
    The game is clearly one-sided when one side can afford to BM and win, while another side will lose if they try to BM, given both sides has an equal skill level. Face camping Bubba will never get 4k if the survivors know when to give up, but a 4 man clicky tbag assholes can get 4 escapes if they don't fuck up big time, but if they fucked up, 4 perks of the apocalypse can save them!

  11. "game reset my mmr, killers are relentlessly tunneling"
    Nah that sounds like high mmr, Remember high mmr is only about kills not matter how he got em…
    Compare that to true in the first part not camping, not tunneling… how did that work out for him, if he had he might have had a chance…

  12. Nothing but bad takes in this comment section whenever one of these drops. It’s always “oh I don’t like this person” or “oh this streamer is toxic” or “this streamer complains too much they’re just bad” rather than seeing the point that this new matchmaking system is a big cause of the complaints and toxicity. It’s sad. Nobody can see the bigger picture here, just what they want to believe. The SBMM sucks for everyone.

  13. JohnWolfe going from "I've had it with all the boon totem whining" to incessantly bitching about "his mmr not getting reset" (which is hilarious because it definitely did, and he got paired with mediocre team and a mediocre killer because hes a mediocre player) and just constantly complaining about tunneling when the bubba really did nothing wrong is absolutely fucking hilarious.

  14. DBD doesnt caters to bad players, but survivors. Just see the comestics market, ton load of skins for the "best survivors", say Feng Min, Claudette, Meg. They dont even care about the killers, if they could, they would outright leave them perkless and nerf Billy even more.

  15. 😂😂😂3 flashlights and doesn't put lightborn as wraith?😭😭😭He really thought he was that good he wouldn't get burned👻😩🤣🤣🤣🤣

  16. Around the 25th min, the dude says something about MMR being resetted. I could swear mine was aswell. Same exact experience as him. Even tho the devs say they didnt… I think they are trying to mindgame us on it, so they can afterwards say "neiner neiner, it was resetted" when ppl say something.

  17. It really baffles me how much shit people give Tru3. And their reasons for shitting on him are always so arbitrary like “ehhh he’s just such a whiny baby” like did we watch the same clip?? Because in this video he was WAY calmer than I would have been dealing with hackers and toxic snipers, and WAY more calm than anyone shitting on him would have been if THEY had been that wraith.
    Is it still fallout from when Scott tried to cancel him on Twitter for “making fun of disabled people”? Because that was all bullshit too.


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