Playing as & against Skull Merchant | Dead by Daylight PTB

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Some of our first matches playing as and against the Skull Merchant, the new original Killer. I used the two add-ons that reveal auras of Survivors when entering an active drone and after disarming them (they seemed very useful). We didn’t try the new perks much, sorry about that!

00:00 The Skull Merchant (Killer)
14:04 Renato Lyra (Survivor)

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43 thoughts on “Playing as & against Skull Merchant | Dead by Daylight PTB”

  1. I hate how positive Otz is all the time about „new things“ and „changes“

    If your not a fast killer like blight or nurse every good survivor will play around your powers, dodge them or play for time.

    Only fast killers can obtain enough time to win a game

  2. This killer is hot garbage. Emphasis on the garbage. Easily countered, boring to play as, and her walk is dumb as hell. It just makes her look like a hooker from Grand Theft Auto. This chapter is objectively a L, and the only thing keeping you from saying that is your relentless positivity.

    Sadako is better than this killer by a wide margin just from being far more fun to play as.

  3. Wait, my only question is can you place drones if survs have those things on their arms? If not the meta might be to leave the thing on your arm based on what you think the killer has for addons? Idk just spitballing. I know they get free information that way, but if they can’t place drones that’s no instadowning and the idea would be to have long loops I think?

  4. If the earlier scream isn't a bug, I like the decision they made, as the fact the scream was so delayed after a metal hook went through their shoulder was weird tbh, but it does take some getting used too.

  5. Seems like licensed chapters are only exciting this game has going for it for a while now. Original chapters are bland and no create killers to camp even more with their abilities. Just very lack luster and the new meta atm sucks. Just miss the simplicity of this game back when this game was a couple years old :/

  6. I can't explain how underwhelmed I am by this killer. His visuals, power and mori are all boring and bland. It's probably the lowest effort killer design they ever brought out.

  7. Why do Huntress, Trapper, Trickster, Plague have to walk around the map to reload their power, but this lady can apparently just pull her drones out of her ass? I get that the drones are useless, but just where does she carry them?

  8. Skull Merchant looks absolutely pitiful, and while she'd be better if she was Predator and threw a spine rip into her mori, her gameplay would still look profoundly un-fun to me.
    Let the drones have lasers for some of that Breath of the Wild threat if one is activated with a Survivor still inside the radius (since otherwise maintaining them being up is just a chore, and a chore on a cooldown no less)! Make the claw trap able to deploy an electric shock at the cost of all of its battery, slowing the Survivor and forcing them to scream! TRY!

  9. in my eyes she is literally the love child of "Pig" and "Knight"
    you have area of control (knights guards)… you have the claw trap devices (like pigs cages) and her weapon is literally like pigs weapon…
    its so sad seeing how boring her design became, she is just a woman… with a "robot arm" why not create a terminator esque look… and that mask pisses me off the most… its so… out of place on her every killer disappoints me more… at least she is female to get back the balance of killer gender…

  10. I really don’t like the fact that they’re straying from the one word for killer names. Not only do neither skull nor merchant give the slightest hint of what the character does or represents, but I can think of 40 one word names that would fit better.

  11. I think that her power is fine, but her mori, appearance, and god awful backstory should be replaced with something more menacing. "The Skull Merchant" should be reserved for something much more sinister than Roxanne from Megamind

  12. idk why they keep adding killers and survivors to this game cuz we already have too much. they should just fix existing characters and maybe add unique animations to survivors

  13. This killer and chapter overall sucks and is very lazy/unfinished/feels out of touch with regard to perks and balance. I hope they delay it or straight up scrap it. I don't want to be dramatic, but I don't think there has every been a chapter that was more poorly received than this one. I might be the worst chapter till today

  14. The more new original killers we get, the more I believe that DBD does is losing creative ideas and essentially making up their poorly-put together characters inspired by the Wish version of we-know-who


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