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23 thoughts on “THE D/C PANDEMIC IS UPON US! Dead by Daylight”

  1. Weird you put this video out because yesterday I was playing wesker with a thrill of the hunt/ huntress lullaby build, and the second i got one stack of lullaby they all Dc'd… Move on to the next game, same build but had a speed hacker this time I know they was a hacker because they completed 2 gens in 15 seconds of the match starting and was teleporting to try to body block because I was ignoring em, but as soon as I got stack's of lullaby and they tried to activate they gen speed hacks all the gens would explode multiple times due to lullaby, 2 people quit… Next game same thing but was on wreckers yard same build, there was 4 gens and my 3 totems on one side, I don't know if they quit because I got stupid lucky with RNG but they all quit after i hooked one person with lullaby, when I would down and hook them, they DC right before the hook animation finishes I died laughing because they was a sabo squad too🤣🤣… I still don't know if it was the build I was using or survivers being extra petty this day but this video kinda confirms it was the survivers because it happened the same day this video was recorded 🤣

  2. Could be because as survivor you need to do gens to get the event points. Where as killer you only need to hook people. So if you are chased from the minute you start the match to the minute you die, you can get 0 event points as survivor. One chase can prevent you from finishing the 30 event points, two chases is pushing it for sure.

    For example in this game, the Nea didn't get to touch a gen once. She got chased from the start, downed, hooked, chased again after the second hook, downed, camped, and then tunneled to die. I would have DCD at the second chase IMO, there was no way she was going to get enough points at that point.

  3. I had trio stun with head on and then after I grabbed each one out the locker before they could pull it off a second time they DC'd on me I said screw it I'm just gonna let the last Survivor escape… All I wanted was to raise The Evil Within 4 times for the daily.. is that too much to ask, lol?

  4. I always have a perfect connection and there has been a lot of times here recently where it just loses connection to the servers. Could be something in steams end but I’ve noticed it happen a lot within the last week.

  5. Downed someone as Ghost Face last night within 30 seconds of the match starting because they ran straight into me while marked before they could finish blessing a totem. I quit pretty much straight after to spare everyone the slog that is a game with a disconnected Survivor.

    At least there’s one good thing coming from DC penalties being disabled.

  6. i think survivors dcing so much is reflective of the current gamestate. the game is not competetive, yet gens go so fast killers usually fill half their build with slowdown and it's still not enough, how can you slow gens down? get 1 survivor out ASAP, Tunnel one survivor out, and that feels terrible, for all 4 survivors, and of course it's not every game someone's tunneled and then DCs, ppl dc for all kinds of reasons, but it becomes verry difficult to escape when down a player so early, and then, what's the point of sticking around if your objective just became infinitely harder?

    we cant exactly blame killers for tunneling, or survivors for DCing, there's a fundamental issue within the mechanics of survivor and killer objectives that leads to ruthless killers and both sides being completely jaded. People need to stop blaming entitled survivors or douche-ey killers and try to find a way to reach the devs who don't play their own game about the gamestate.

    it's pretty clear in steam player count data that people are getting frustrated and not coming back to dbd as often.


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