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In this DBD video I’m going to discuss the assassination of the Outlaw Knight by the coward BHVR. Remember silly Knight, fun is for survivors.
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Oh no! 😨 I guess our only option now is to delete him from the game. 😔
the knight feels even more boring to play now, the global cd and bad ai just make the killer double team the survivor and the counter play as a survivor is just abusing the guards when they are alone.
they should make the cooldown separte like in the ptb fix the ai pathing and give each guard a differente hunt abilities, some ideas.
the Carnifex breaks pallets on the hunt path but it takes 2x as long to break and can´t vault windows.
the Assassin can vault pallets and windows and follows the survivor pathing.
the Jailer can´t vault at all but blockes the survivor being hunted from vaulting within the 10m range of the guard.
i think that way the survivors can still have a fun counter play as long as they adapt to the guard, and it would make the guards more reliable against survivors.
Yall should know by now the devs are extremely survivor biased
I’m a Knight player and I love this rework
2:15 umm… this is false since the banners spawn 2x longer now
Terrible changes. I have to boycott like I did with deathslinger
Fun thing is how some people will swear how much knight is better to play now, which is false because I was turned from him. I was fine in seeing a shift in some places to allow surviviors to have fun and improve the knight experience for the players, but those last sec changes were the most random thing that could happen given the PTH feedback. It's like someone looked at it and said "shit, what is this? This isn't compliant to my standards, gut him". They encouraged the knight to use different guards to their intended situations, but those changes just pushed him toward his most hated playstyle and just using the best guard between the three. Luckly I have PH, Nemesis, Vecna, Singu, soon the unknown and some others, but man did I enjoy playing tactical games with the knight.
Technically it's not 10 seconds of doing nothing, very often, it will be 26.5 seconds: 10 sec of patrol time without spotting anyone, 1.5 seconds of recovery after the end of the chase/patrol of the guard you have summoned from the old mechanic that they kept for no REASONS , and 10 sec of global CD.
So yeah, this new knight is a pure garbage, much more frustating than the old Twins.
the 10 meters things is just like a mild annoyance honestly. the main problem is the cool down when i was playing him. it should be like artists cooldown when you don't use the birds. maybe a recall button would also help this massively.
I don't like going against knight that much as survivor still tbh but there's more annoying killer powers to worry about. he's definitely over hated considering what's in the game.
also what happened to chucky, that was like so much worse. completely obliterated him. or blight hug tech just like used a syringe and drained the fun straight out of the killers.
Phugg insta-drop Knight; they were 90% of my Knight matches. If you want to be a hold W sim, there’s other killers for that. Artist, Dredge, or Skull Merchant. Take your pick.
Glad they made him more focused on macro gameplay which gives him more of an identity and should’ve been the focus from the start. Love the changes.
Before killer mains don their wrist braces to go to war in the replies; no, I’m not a survivor main. I follow the BP bonus, and have played plenty of games as Knight. Just so happens that all the changes benefit my preferred playstyle, as insta-dropping is cringe.
I like the new add-ons. That's kinda it
Feels like Knight has ended up as one of those killers that stomp people that dont understand how he functions but even a basic understanding of how he functions renders his power practically useless
I main the Knight, and after this update, I'm a bit mixed.
When it comes to negatives, I don't like the cooldowns being shared across all guards, it makes the Knight turn into an M1 killer for a majority of the chase. Also, I haven't played Blight or Nurse but apparently the cooldowns for those killers are faster than the Knights, which makes zero sense when those killers are hands down the best killers in the game, so why does the Knight have a longer cooldown compared to those killers? Also, idk why we can't just use multiple guards like I saw in the PTB, that bug would of been the perfect change to add with the guards, allowing him to feel more smooth and consistent.
For mixed, the penalty for being near the guard in chase, I haven't noticed it too much. Even when I'm really near, by the time I am near them, they're already about to get hit by either me or the guard. However, it was extremely noticeable in RPD. I got a guard to chase someone upstairs, while I was chasing a different person downstairs, but as the guard was chasing the survivor, the penalty kicked in because they were literally above where I am (which again, I was chasing a completely different person), and there was nothing I could of done to avoid that.
And I wanna say this is mix but it can also be good, but now the Assassin can pretty much guarantee a hit. I use Call of Arms and the other yellow addon that increases the hunt by 4 seconds, and almost 98% of the time, my assassin would get the hit. The only time it doesn't is whenever the survivor has lithe or sprint burst. Its good because I find using guards to split pressure to not work like…at all. It buys some time but its usually not enough to add that pressure I need. With this change, I have this pressure now. However, this now creates a problem where now I can't use other guards because of the cooldowns like I said previously. And eventually people will notice this and will run those perks to counter it.
The only two good things were the longer the path is, the longer the hunt is, which is nice. And the addon rework was actually great. Though it sucks that Call of Arms is needed still.
Three things need to change:
1. Separate the Cooldowns for the guards. idc if a different DLC character has that feature, I like it on that DLC character but I want that change to be applied to the Knight.
2. Make the penalty only apply if you're near the survivor, that is on the same floor. Because like I said, I couldn't avoid it in RPD.
3. Make Call of Arms also base kit.
They need to give the guards individual cool downs like Lich's spells.
This may be a rough damm time but no matter this nerf I somehow will keep going, even my bother wants me to stop maining him but I came for the medieval man – I'm staying for the medieval man. Through and through. ;_;
This is the same exact way it went down for Trickster. I'm a Trickster main and ever since his rework, it feels awful as killer. Slower fire rate + taking too many knives to injure a survivor. All because a lot of people shit on Trickster so much that their loud ass voices actually brought horrible changes for the Trickster. Unfortunately, the same thing happened to the Knight as we see. People really need to stop advocating for butchering certain killers just because they don't like them. Sad to see Knight like this now 😢
And here's why I'm not excited for any of the incoming reworks for Freddy, Myer and Dullmerchant. This kind of stupid decision making. I heard nobody complain about the individual cooldown on Knight. Why did they even remove that ? Are they actively trying to not be taken seriously ?
Knight game play as survivor felt like crap tbh, not bothered about this update
I always thought "sandwich tech" was something to do with Huntress's thighs and a person's head.
Singularity was clunky and hard to play. They fixed that and he feels better to play. Despite Knight being simple to play, he wasn't really strong. So they swapped him with Singularity. Now Knight is clunky and hard to play while Singularity is easy to play.
But here is the thing. I'm seeing people claiming this is a buff to him. I played him for two matches and he just feels clunky and unfun. Am I missing something? I feel like I'm playing a different game, or something, when I read or see videos saying this new changes was great for him. And I sit here like…huh?
Imma be completely honest with you (I'm a survivor main, occasionally play killer), I feel pretty bad for knight mains, does this mean I like the knight no. Fuck the knight. But they did not deserve the nerf he got, i was thinking a similar thing to what you had said in your video, have a longer cooldown on the guards, not this bs that the people who are "struggling" say. Both sides have their difficulty, but knight did not deserve that nerf.
The Knight was changed because the overwhelming majority of knight games consisted of drop guard, pincer, send guard to hook to act as an alarm, rinse repeat. It was the low hanging fruit way to play, so I don't blame people for playing like that but it's the primary reason for the change. Skull Merchant will get changed again for the same reason. It's drop drone force hit. Do they have to be played like this? No. But because it's easy and effective, that's what people will gravitate towards doing most of the time. And the issue is that it sucks to go against.
knight wasn't hard to go against, why the nerfs? I just wanted it to be less jank to place a guard.
Since BHVR loves nerfing things that people don't like to play against, when are they going to nerf SWF? or Windows of Opportunity and pre-dropping every pallet on the map? Or hearing the slightest terror radius and prerunning a mile away? That shit isn't fun to play against
I’m sorry but I just don’t agree with anything you said here. Having played as and against Knight since his change, Guard chases literally last longer than they used to, and the banner also takes longer to spawn from what I’ve seen. Like, I was chased by Jailer in a match and the banner literally didn’t spawn until the second the chases ended. As for the universal cooldown lasting 10 seconds, I will say that each Guard should have their own cooldown, that would be great. However, when it comes to a survivor being downed, I don’t see the problem. Sure, you’ll have flashlights and pallets to worry about, but how often does that happen? Not to mention, other killers have to worry about that too. As for the cooldown itself, that’s the perfect amount of time to get the survivor picked up and carried to a hook. The only issue I see would be in the instance of trying to initiate chase or during chase. And for the Jailer patrolling? I mean, if it’s that much of an issue, if you’re nearby, just hit him. But if not, that’s still fine? Cause he’s still patrolling those areas and deterring survivors. It’s slowdown and maintenance. I don’t see the issue personally. And I’ll be honest, Knight was one of my most hated, if not the most hated, Killer for me to face. But the change seems to be solid on both sides. I played a couple matches with him and he feels good for me. Maybe I need to try him out a bit more, but honestly from what I’ve played so far I really disagree with what’s been said in this video. Still, if there’s more I’m missing or not taking into account, I’ll happily hear things out, but as it stands I just have to disagree
Out of all the changes they made…. objects and blades of grass stopping you from summoning the orb was not one of them. It's wild.
Every other killer regardless where you standing you press the power button your power starts be it licking a wall or in a bush!
He definitely needs more of a ground up change imo. I was hoping they would choose a different direction for his character with this rework like the skull merchant rework a while back. I think it would be neat if he had a different main ability (maybe a special attack that leaned more into his swordsmanship) and the guards worked more like a pinhead chain hunt or trickster main event. If you hit enough of his special attack you would build up progress for an "ultimate ability" that would cause all the survivors to be hunted by guards or some wacky shit. I just feel like his gameplay concept as of now is inherently unhealthy for the game and on some level unfun for both sides no matter what.
It's the same situation with 2v8, In the recent devs gameplay survivors were just laughing and not paying attention just having fun and still " winning " while killers were sweating their balls and still not coming close to winning. It's always like this fun is only for survivor , for killer even fun techs like hug tech are removed.
Yea the vecna nerf two weeks later after his release made me drop the game/ take a massive break. Knight was my main because of his aesthetic and love the concept of him. Tried the ptb and liked being able to cancel my guard anytime and each guard having their own cooldowns. Was going to come back for full release but after trying him now for a couple matches, he’s awful. They nerfed him into the ground and that was the final straw for me. I’m just sick of bhvr nerfing killers into the ground for “survivors fun” as their main priority. Any new killer that comes out just gets hit with nerfs later so what’s the point. I’ll watch YouTubers play but as for me I’m done with DBD. Won’t get any more money out of me.
Man thank god I stopped playing DbD a year ago, if I was still playing after this knight nerf I would've blown a gasket by the sheer amount of bullshit.
Like how the hell is this a not "Us VS them" situation when the Killer Players are cleary, without a shadow of a doubt, getting over nerfed because knight is too good.
Why dont they think of the fun for the killer? Jfc theres nothing wrong with a strong killer
I don't know why you guys still haven't realized behavior keeps placating the survivors with survivor side changes and updates because the survivors are the people that buys stuff. Youre not important only survivors matter
Sounds like me 7 months ago, when the Trickster rework happened, everyone in the Trickster community still wants our old boy back. I wish you all the best in fighting for what you guys deserves. I need my macro on knight…
Bla bla bla. Knight is still strong and oppressive specially if the player uses a pentimento build.
Lmao xbox?
The knight and ui rework was just so awful and at least the ui didn't need a change
Too bad
If this makes AI in the PVP game less frequent, so be it
Society has already learnt how AI is bad for PVP games. It was a fun hazard in SOME specific Uncharted 2 maps like Village, where a tank spawned for a brief moment, it was like an event so it was fine. In Uncharted 4 MP however multiple players could spam AI at all times, slowing the pace down to a CRAWL
Fk AI in PVP games, all the real homies HATE AI in PVP games. If this change spawns more Merchants…so be it. We already off ourselves when we see one, nothing changes. Only thing it changes is killer ruining their own fun
Too bad 🙁
Separate cooldowns, An instant location drop button (I.E. either just drop the minion where we're currently standing and activate it and for five seconds it would follow us unless triggering a hunt, creating its own patrol route via our own route, drop time should be less than a second [Even half a second] or let us set it to patrol between a designated generator and our current location instantly, spawning it on the generator), Maybe allow us to use all three at the same time (Might be a bit busted)
Idk Knight needs a lot of buffing to be good. Right now, I'mma be honest, Skull Merchant feels like a better version of knight. Permanent minions that can be deployed in stationary locations to either guard the location against an unsuspecting survivor or used in a chase by firing and forgetting, forcing survivors out of a tile. We don't need a second skull merchant, but we need a better knight.
The day BHVR knows actually how to code and balance this game, pigs will fly. With all the bugs ever since switching to UE 5, they really are incompetent 😑
I feel like I got excited about this rework for no reason. What a disappointment.
No idea what they were going with here, playing him feels like I wanna lay down on my bed, like nothing I do really matters to much with him and I just don't feel any joy so I'd rather sleep it off, playing against him still feels like the old way, but tbh, I never minded playing against Knight as a survivor cuz as you said, having a understanding of the character would make for predictablity so yeah, doesn't feel too different but for sure, fun has been sucked out of the Knight, and for me personally, I just wish they had a bug fix update with him awhile ago over a rework, Knight felt like the second most buggest killer (First one being Twins).
Those who say that The Assassin gets free hits on a full path with Call to Arms, I'm sorry but the survivors you're playing against are just bad.
I've tested it to the point of insanity. Good survivors get the banner every time.
Mindbreaker and Dried Horsemeat, it's the same outcome.
My favorite killer knight got slapped, but now my second favorite singularity got pretty buffed. I don't know if it was worth it
The only nerf they made to the Knight was making it so you need to create a 10 meter patrol path. Not 10 meters away from you, just a 10 meter long path.
All of the other “nerfs” you talked about are straight up just non existent. You can do literally everything the Knight did before, but now better.
No matter what Knight gets destroyed by good survivors, he’s just a bad character pre and post rework. I’ve played him for months at this point and I can confidently say he has never been stronger than he is now.
I´m honest, I hated playing vs the Knight just as I hated playing against the old Spirit but now BHVR just executed the Knight with this "rework".
Anyways, great video again!
This is like if Wesker had a 15 second second cooldown after a missed bound lmfao