This NEW PERK Makes You a CHASING MENACE!!! | Dead by Daylight PTB

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This new perk, Game Afoot can be easily used for tunneling and that seems to be the main perk’s priority…. What if I could show you that this perk can do WONDERS when used the opposite of tunneling, but chasing all 4 survivors in a smart consistent fashion to build up another perk’s wrath easier and keep that said perk’s wraith throughout the entire match!!! I was able to convince the half of Ohmwrecker’s chat that this killer was op!

Fancy a guide on how to play this killer strategically that’s fun and actually good at the same time?? Look-see here 💖-

Want to know my finalized view or thoughts on this killer? Here ya go!!❤️

There’s also Add-on showcases on my channel that into depth of fun strats you can pull off while having fun with this killer!!


10 thoughts on “This NEW PERK Makes You a CHASING MENACE!!! | Dead by Daylight PTB”

  1. Love the new chase Perk, i just feel like it should be more present. It feels like it doesn’t activate much. Like instead of having to be in a chase with the obsession, why not ahve it so that you only have to start chase with the obsession and then it remains active until you use it. Or make it so that it activates for everyone except the obsession

  2. Fuck yeah man! 🙌 you’re a champion lol I realized I misread it and you have to chase someone longer than the rest to have the hit switch the obsession. Still cool to see the experiment played out! Thank you for that 🤙


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