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#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #toxic #salty
First comment, thx for content Tru3
DbD is the most infested online game with cheaters, so easy to cheat, the game is essentially is peer to peer with a band-aid. Also subtle cheating is extremely common in dbd at high ranks, most cheaters even saying that using wallhacks only is "legit" mode.
The cheaters are much worse in Asia servers.
Shouldn't the server roll back every action Claudette did?
Example: as killer, if you try to grab someone and the server doesn't see that you did it, your action gets rolled back and you either miss an attack or hit someone instead of grabbing him. The same should happen here with this Claudette.
As she's gaining speed, the server should roll that back and make her move at a normal speed.
I left for 8 months and it seems pretty chill, but this post just changed things so idk can only hope
I have faced this 4 times during Christmas eve. Its strange.. I have managed to hook and kill one of them, but the others kinda upped the hack basically. Thankfully the other players kinda just gave up and in endgame chat where all complaining at the hacker. One of those rare times the other survivors actually cared about the game being fair and not liking someone hacking and screwing over the killer player.. So there was that.
The cheaters never 'went away' they were always there and will be, trash game
Dope, I was getting bored without them tbh.
Iβm so glad I stopped playing this game a year and a half ago
Can't wait for basekit unbreakable. So this kind of cheat will become even more "effective"
Me yesterday: nice their anti cheat probably improved
Tru3: nope
True really so full of himself. Cheaters for the most part are ones who have played and became bored with the basic game mechanics so they want to change things up. I use cheats but then again I prefer solo RPGs and will typically only activate once a proper playthrough has been completed. But don't sit there on your streaming high horse and claim all or even most cheaters are bad because that's just not held by any fact basis.
He isnt hacking, thats just the new boon perk
They cheat in games because they are losers at life. This is so lame. Sorry you had to play through that. I actually never had a cheater survivor in my matches. Just cheater killers. And it's no fun. He held me and my friend hostage until we bled out.
I had a Subtle cheater yesterday. She outran me and tried to Subtly teleport but I saw her do it.
Oh god they're evolving!
Survivor mains in chat probably defend & justify the cheater for cheating.
never understood cheaters . its so boring to cheat and win lol
Why did Huntress sound like she had a cold or something? Song was off and so was the yell when she throws something? Or is that the European version?
High ranks for this game is a complete meme
Back in the day whenever I would encounter a cheater (on either side) I would just dc immediately.
"Oh, but what about DC penalty?" you ask.
Well. Since I'm not a streamer, right after DCing I would close the game entirely and play a game that isn't garbage.
Eventually, I just decided that I can do that last part all the time and just quit DbD.
Still enjoy this videos occasionally. Mostly out of morbid curiosity.
When is the breaking point?
When will this game reach a point where people just stop playing this jank?
We'll see, I suppose.
Watch that Speed become basekit for survivors in about a year
That's how you know you're at high mmr. I played against a cheater this morning two games in a row and they were live streaming on twitch.
5:05 – "Some men just want to watch the world burn" – Alfred
cheaters never lefted
They never left.
"Not a cheater, just a skill issue" – some Survivor Main, probably.
Jokes on us.. they never left πππππππππ
Cheaters never left, itβs just most switched to subtle cheating, boosting their speed for o 104% so itβs hard to tell.
So pathetic honestly