RAGE QUITTING VS WRAITH? – Dead by Daylight!

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18 thoughts on “RAGE QUITTING VS WRAITH? – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Hey Tru3 if you haven’t already I would like for you to try a build in a video maybe 🤔🙏🏾 BBQ, Undying, Devour, and Pop I’ve been 4king like crazy with this build bc survivors (at red ranks) gen rush and barely do totems. Plus in this build you have a reason to leave hook asap and pop a gen as well to buy time and get your stacks! Pls try it out and tell me your ideas as you use this

  2. that car loop isn't well designed….you either get hit quickly, or you get bloodlusted.

    Edit neither is the loop you mention 10 seconds later…the spot you were in would lead to a hit100% of the time, unless thyey had lithe/sprintburst, or they dead hard to the nearby car loop, which is still bad.

  3. Yeah no. Those loops are not well designed. You THINK they are well designed because loops exist in that house which are 100% survivor favored especially if the survivor can chain them. However on their own those loops are 100% killer favored.

  4. People saying the car loop is killer sided, they haven't see some loops in Lery's and Hawkins cause some of those are just brain dead easy for killer.

  5. Those short sided loops are a guaranteed hit when they vault, it's not really a mind game. They basically only exist for a stun. A pallet that you'll get got through 90% the time if you get the stun.

    The survivors should have some god pallet resources. This adds strategy and variety on when to use them for survivors and whether it's worth for the killer.

    Almost every loop in the game have short cuts and mind games that exist. On top of that, the typical jungle gym is useless with no mind games after about 10 second, before a pallet is needed.

    The game is fairly well designed. It typically takes atleast 1000 hours before someone even starts using the loops properly, and reacts quickly, camly, adds mind games, knows the maps, and plans ahead in chase while at the same time tracking the killer.

  6. I'm not sure I completely agree with you, tru3
    You're saying that those loops are fair, even though pretty much the only way a survivor gets away from that loop without taking damage is if they get a pallet stun, otherwise the killer will pretty much always get a hit.

  7. People are saying those car loops aren't fair but that's because Wraith's ability allows him to negate them with the lunge. There are a lot of long loops on maps such as Haddonfield, cowshed, and Macmillan Estate where you'll never touch survivors when the pallet is down and they run around it 3 times before hand since most killers don't have speed up. Then you have to break the pallet and they move to the next one. Of course there are those tiny loops that are ridiculously unsafe, they should be made stronger and god pallets since they serve no gameplay except just granting time wasting to the killer should be made less safe. Also knowing the killer, if wraith is trying to go for the lunge at a smaller loop, then react quick enough to slam the pallet in his face. Yes all survivors want to last long in chase, but it's a 4v1 so even if the killer breaks off to different chases, if each survivor gets strong escapable loops then the gens will fly and the killer will perform bad.


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