Toxic SWF Harasses A Chill TTV – Dead By Daylight

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50 thoughts on “Toxic SWF Harasses A Chill TTV – Dead By Daylight”

  1. I had some survivors come into my chat and call me trans and trash.. they said they would kick my ass irl.. and that i sounded like i was a smoker 😅 im a survivor main and i just recently started playing killer… I never acted like these ppl.. nore will i… Its just sad that ppl take this game way to seriously and then act like total duchbags

  2. As a streamer who's streamed DBD for a little under a year i've had the displeasure of experiencing this toxicity. Always sad to see it happen to other people. Its only a vidya game, its not that deep

  3. What a sweet streamer. He didn't stoop down to their level. Stayed calm and chill the whole time. And for real. What was he supposed to do? I am a survivor main. You running into the killer after getting unhooked is called taking aggro. Now you might get a nice killer who will ignore you but you are literally giving him a free hit. The whole point of the endurance is so you can run away. Also they all swarmed the hook. What was he supposed to do. Run away and let them save and reset? The point of the killer is to kill and the point of the survivors are to escape. Being mean to a genuinely nice person over a video game is ridiculous. That is how you know you are taking the game way too seriously. I've played comp so I know taking the game seriously but even then we don't insult the other teams. It's a game. It will be ok. Nothing it going to happen if you lose. Not even a loss really. They got a 2 out. The maturity level of some of these people is baffling…to think it is ok to tell someone to off themselves. If you are that angry over a match of dbd, turn off the game and go do something that makes you genuinely happy. Because being that salty to harass someone is not healthy. I followed CJ because that is exactly the type of person I enjoy being around. I've met some of my best friends through DBD which is why I keep playing. The pros outweigh the cons for sure but when something like this happens it definitely is sad to see.

  4. I still remember the time I had a Bubba come into my chat and start telling me to burn and wish death upon me for… absolutely no reason. They facecamped me to death and just did it XD

  5. honestly, i know that feeling, i have dealt with survivors doing this nonstop especially racist ones, they harassed me to the point that i gave up dbd for about a year and a couple of months, guess it could count as 2 years almost, and i played as both killer and survivor.

    now this one was a survivor, we had a match against a scratched mirror myers, and that was a fun game(by that i mean going against myers was fun, was scary but a fun experience in the match) 3 of the survivors were SWF which i didn't know till the end game honestly i should've recorded the whole game during that year but still got one of lobby chat and unlinked it cause y'know i reported him.
    Anyways we were on gens i did 2, and the other 2 i had at 50% when i had it at 50% myers came to me, same for the other gens, by that time i was running and evading him, these 2 guys died quick, i remember one of them had a key(this is the reason why he acted that way) i picked up the key, found the hatch, looking for the guy the whole match running around the map, when i found him i was trying to tell him i got the key and getting him to follow me, he took a long time to notice, then when we got to the hatch, myers was there in t3, we both died, and these jerks saying they had to hold my hand the whole match?(these guys did no such thing wasnt even near me) and 1 guy proceeded with calling me the N word with the ER at the end. (i forgot to mention i unhooked these ungrateful losers) after we were done with the chat i apologized to the myers seeing me like that and he was chill, kinda lost it when the dude decided to act racist.

    from what i see, alot of times its the survivors doing this nonsense with first opening their mouths and harassing either the killer or other survivors who probably are new or just having fun in dbd and most of their callouts can be a lie, don't get me wrong i seen a killer misbehave too but its them calling out a survivor and saying they did nothing(another match i was in btw my team mate got called out and someone had showed him that we were all on gens) this too but its kind of rare for me i guess.
    but yeah that's my story, also in most matches the ones who say GG or give positive comments or just leave and not cause a how do i say this a um….meltdown? a tempur tantrum in end game chat i respect that and i got nothing against them.

    you do you and dont let these negative people get to you, cause i know i did and i needed a break for real lol.

  6. When Scott posted the pic it said my man had 35 followers. When I went to follow, my man had 1.3k views. Sheeeesh! Congrats to CJ. I love how this tory took a turn for the best.

  7. your one of the only people i still watch for DBD content cause this game is not worth anything much better choices out there an this community for DBD is just awful not all of them but the most make it just not fun just sad to see was fun in the early life of DBD but know glad i dont bother with it anymore but i enjoy your vids to show the limelight least someone cares bout what happens

  8. Average survivor swf at this point when you don’t play how they want not to this level but, I forgot I had anonymous mode on for like a year on console I took it off instant toxic msgs.

  9. Had a friend of the killer come into my stream saying I got shit on by them and then proceeded to straightforwardly to KYS. I dont understand the entitlement or the reason to act that way. Also had a streamer's mod dm me all kinds of shit for following then unfollowing due to them being toxic. When I tried telling the streamer, they blocked me and same with their duo who had 1.5k following. So sad to see the community be ok with bullying and everything

  10. Its rlly simple after an unhook you have two targets in front of you. Both need two hits. If the unhookt run into me and force the hit Why should I go for the otheeone than 😂.

  11. As a survivor main I agree camping and tunneling is annoying but when it's down to 1-2 gens left and the unaliver only has a few hooks then I fully expect them to do what they gotta do to try and win. The whole point is for the unaliver to unalive survivors. You can't be mad about someone doing their objective.

  12. Seriously its like everyone has forgotten what the Killers job is and that's TO KILL PEOPLE. Do they just want the killer to leave them alone and do all the gens cause thats not how DBD works. If they wanna kill the killer they can play Last year instead where survivors can fighf back against the killer and they can't complain that the killer is doing his job and they can fight back against the killer

  13. Gonna give this man a follow. Currently dealing with someone commenting on my videos to talk shi*. Also had some streamers ridicule my “quality” of videos after I won a game as killer, so I made a video on them lol. Hope they see it one day

  14. I don’t understand how I’m calmer in my end chat than these morons who instigated a killer. I get heated when a killer tunnels and camps me at first hook, 4 gens left, but bruhs pick your fuckin batttttttttles

  15. I'm usually 95% on your side, but I'm tired of this "its just a game" shit. tell an artist that its just art, or tell a basket ball player its just a game. If you dedicate any amount of your one life to do something like gaming, take it seriously and get mad at the game. don't take it out on real people, but don't shame our passion for something by calling it a "silly little game"


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